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Bucky arrived at his apartment late the night before. After getting ready, he quickly makes his way over to her closed door. He softly knocks and waits for her to open but he hears no movements.

Is she not home? I didn't hear her step out, Bucky thought.

He goes to knock again and once again no one answers the door. He makes his way back to his door and just as he's about to open the door, he hears the elevator.

He looks over at only finds the building manager, Rick, with a couple behind him. "...this location has been free for about a week. The previous tenant, didn't smoke and kept the place really is a 2 bedroom apartment. Spacious living room and kitchen," Rick says.

Bucky frowns at his words. He was explaining the inside of Amelia's apartment. He watches them walk past him, "And if you do decide to take this apartment, this would be your neighbor, James."

Bucky stills at the sound of his name. He looks over at him with a confused expression. "What?"

"James, this is Dennis and Brittany. They're interested in renting out the apartment next door."

"That's Amelia's apartment," Bucky says.

"Not anymore. She turned in the keys almost a week ago," Rick says.

Bucky doesn't answer, he goes straight to Yori's and knocks. If he knew Amelia, then that would mean that she would have told Yori.

He quickly knocks and when he doesn't get a response, he tries again. "I'm coming! Geez hold on," Yori says from the other side of the door.

Yori opens the door and finds James only to glare at him, "What is that you want you impatient man?"

"She left?"

"Yes. I thought you knew?"

"I didn't," Bucky frowns.

"I'm sorry James. Plus she left this box for you," Yori says as she slides a box across the floor to him. "Her nice friend came back when he dropped off the keys."


"Yes. Eddie I believ-hey! Where are you going?!" Yori shouts as Bucky leaves.

He quickly makes his way down to his bike and speeds off to Eddie's office. After cornering him weeks ago, Bucky had decided to find out where he worked so he can do the same if he needed. And the opportunity did indeed present itself. As he stopped in front of the building, he makes his way inside.

"How can I help you?" A woman greeted.

"Eddie, where is he?"

"Who?" the woman asks..

"Your boss! Where is he?" Bucky shouts.

"Bucky? What are you doing here?" Eddie says as he steps out of his office.

"Where did she go?" Bucky asks.

Eddie can feel all of his employee's eyes on them and he didn't like it not one. "Please come into my office, away from eyes and ears," Eddie says.

Eddie gestures him to his office and Bucky stalks into his office. "I got this," Eddie reassured his employees before shutting the door.

"Seriously in my work place?"

"You came to me at my home!" Bucky glares.

Eddie knew Bucky had a point, it practically is the same thing. He invaded the place Bucky cared about. "I just want to know where she went. Is she still in New York?"

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