🌸 • Chapter 4 • 🌸

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"Who are you puppy ?"_???1

"Whatever, that's not important... The only thing that matters here is how dare you step into someone's territory?"_Senju

"Oh, so you're from Taisyakuten ? Interesting"_???2

"Exactly and you broke a rule, you'll pay it with your lives"_Senju

She then sprinted to them and started to fight the tallest man meanwhile the shorter one was nowhere to be seen

"Ugh... Just go away you son of a bitch!"_???1

"Yeah, just die already"_Senju

Senju was about to send a hard punch on the tallest man who was already beaten up but someone kicked her right. Luckily, Senju had irreproachable reflexes and turned her body at a perfect 180° and landed on her left feet. She then proceeded to take her gun off and pointed it toward the tallest man

"Ran-nii san !!!!! Are you alright!?"_???2

"Yeah, that motherfucker just hit me a little hard. Don't worry Rinrin and just kill him!"_Ran

"Wait, Ran? Rin? As Haitani brothers?"_Senju

"Yeah, do you have a problem with that!?"_Rindo

"Oh, that's worse, you're from Bonten..."_Senju

Rindou also pulled out his gun and pointed it toward Senju.

"You! Who the Fuck are YOU!!!"_Rindou

"Even if I know your name, why would I say mine..."_Senju

Senju let her cap down, revealing her beautiful long white shiny weavy hair. She also removed her facial mask, showing her mesmerizing blue orbs, her long eyelashes, her thin nose and her pinkish lips exposed.

"There I am Taisyakuten's number 02"_Senju

The Haitani brothers were shocked. The girl in front of them was just stunning and really strong. She managed to beat Ran without getting any scratches nor bruises.

"Now that I found out that you're from Bonten, I can't kill you anymore..."_Senju

She then stuffed her gun in her pocket again and started walking away.

"Wait a minute!!! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!!!!!!!"_Rindo

"I'm going home. BTW, don't come here again. You might start a war between our gangs"_Senju

Senju just continued walking while Rindou removed his safety and was ready to shoot Senju.

The girl turned back;Rindou shot her but she grabbed her hidden knife and slashed the bullet in two right before it touches her.

The Haitani gasped. How was that possible!?

"You're so annoying. Don't try that again. You know that our gangs have an agreement not to fight right? "_Senju

And then, she left. Letting Ran and Rindou shocked.

Senju went back to Taisyakuten's HQ. The moment she opened the manor's main door, a little boy around 3 ran to her and hugged her tight

"Mama !! I missed you!!!!"_Satoru

"I missed you too babyboy."_Senju

Senju hold her son and kissed his cheeks many times.

"Mama, you know, today was fun. Uncle Nahoya bought me a new I-pad "_Satoru

"Oh really, that's nice of him"_Senju

Senju was suspicious as to why Nahoya would but her son an I-pad... It may sound stupid but she had doubts

"He bought me the latest model and said not to tell you that he was 2 hours late to take me from school"_Satoru.

Senju glared at Nahoya who just gulped and muttered a sorry from the living room.

Senju then put Satoru down.

"Mama have to take a shower first, go play with your uncles"_Senju

"Okay mama!!!"_Satoru.
Satoru ran up to his uncle Taiju who was passing by.

Meanwhile, Senju was walking upstairs, to her room. She went to the bathroom to take a shower which longed two hours and then changed into an oversized white T-shirt which belongs to Seishu.

As she walked downstairs, she spotted familiar men in the living room. It was Bonten.

|Oh shit....|_ Senju

The Bonten members and Taisyakuten members were all gathered sitting on the couches.

"Hello, what's happening here?"_Senju

"Oh, you are here and you are wearing...Inui's T-shirt ?"_Takemichi.

Senju was just dumbfounded and didn't know what to say so she just nodded...

The Bonten members were eying Senju. They looked at her amazed. Senju's hair was down. Her face was a little red from the hot shower she took which made her look super cute. The oversize T-shirt was large yet you could see her hourglass figure. They didn't reconize Senju at first and thought it was a new girl until...

"So Bonten, meet Taisyakuten's number 02, Kawaragi Senju."_Takemichi.

Bonten gasped yet Mikey kept a neutral face. They're thought were 'is it really Senju!?' 'no way that's the brat' 'stunning babe...'

"Yeah, it's me Senju so what's happening now?"_Senju

"They're here because of an incident that happened this evening. They say that a girl pretended to be Taisyakuten's number 02 "_Takemichi

"Oh, yeah. This evening I went to check the creepy building because of some rumours and turn out that these two were killing people there."_Senju

She said that and pointed to the Haitani brothers who were in tonnes of bandages.

"YOU!!!! YOU DID THIS TO MY BROTHER!!!!!!!"_Rindou

He pointed at Ran's bruises and broke bones



As both Rindou and Senju were arguing, they heard cries. Satoru was crying and running to Senju.

The boy cried in his mama's arms. He had a nightmare.

"Calm down baby, mama's right here"_Senju

The Bonten members gasped. They were shocked to see that Senju is already a mom.

"YOU HAVE A SON!!!!!!!????????"_Sanzu

"Yeah, so what!?"_Senju
Senju just walked to her bedroom, leaving the boys and mostly Bonten shocked.

Picture of Akashi Satoru BTW

He is Senju's son in this story and that's why Senju's hair is whit and not light pink

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He is Senju's son in this story and that's why Senju's hair is whit and not light pink. Same with her eyes. Senju and Satoru here look alike.

Credit to the pictures owners.

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