Chapter 2: Can't stay away from you

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[ Camilo starts to scare the other boys in the village because they're getting closer to you, you notice this strange behaviour and tried to stay away from Camilo for a little while...which that was a bad mistake of yours]

You cried so much because one of your good friend James has been murdered, Camilo hugs you and comforts you while soft hushing " Shhh,'s okay, it's okay" Camilo says while he hugged you like a baby. " He...he was a good friend, and i won't ever see him again!" You cried so much harder" I know, i know," Camilo replied while he rubbed your hair....

The next day Camilo sees you talking to a boy " Oh my I'm sorry, i can tell that you were heartbroken by realising that. If you ever feel sad, you can can always find me and talk to me" Said Daniel as he puts his hand on your shoulder " Thanks Daniel, i feel a little better...i should go" You walked off somewhere else, making Camilo find the opportunity to talk to Daniel " Hellooo" Said Camilo as he talks in a sweet tone " Oh hi, you must be Camilo Madrigal, Y/N told me how much you made her feel better" Said Daniel as he looks at Camilo " Yes, yes I'm Camilo Madrigal... and you see i don't like it when other boys talk to My angelito, so please stay. Away. From. Her."Camilo says as he makes his sweet tone turn into a scary tone " O- okay, just chill out, you don't have to get scary" Daniel says as he takes one step back " I'm warning you... because you don't want to get hurt, right? Daniel?" Says Camilo as he stares into Daniel's soul "Okay i got it... I'll stay away from Y/N, just please don't hurt me" Says Daniel so freaked out " Good, good. Now i must check on My princesa...and if you tell anyone about what i told'll be gone" Camilo says before leaving Daniel alone.....

Camilo looks around the Village for you and finally finds you sitting on a bench "Y/N... are you alright?" Camilo says while sitting next to you " i guess so...." You said while looking up front "Y/N... you know i will always be here for you. Right?" Camilo says as he grabs your hands making you blush a little " Yeah. Thanks Camilo" You said as you smiled. The next morning you were talking to your other male friends "Jose, Santiago, and Joaquin ", you were talking about how bad you were feeling during the past few fays " I'm very sad as well, i never thought that he would... you know" Says Santiago as he looks at the floor "At least we have each other " Says Joaquin " Thanks you 3... I'll go back home" You said as you waved your hand, then of course Camilo walks up to them " Hello guys, how are you doing?" Says Camilo while looking at the 3 boys "We're fine"Says Jose and Santiago "Ohh, that's great... but what were you 3 doing with Y/N?" Says Camilo "We're just talking"Says Joaquin while looking at Camilo "Just talking huh?......we'll i don't like that" Camilo says while looking at Joaquin "What do you mean?" Says Jose "What i mean is that Y/N can't talk to any other boys but me... and if you come near her'll be in so much danger" Says Camilo as he look at Jose, Santiago and Joaquin. " Dude, what's your problem?" Says Jose as he crosses his arms " The problem is that you're talking to My Y/N, If i see you talking to her again I'll stab you and take out your insides and remember this. I'm always watching, so if you talk to her i will know" Says camilo as he starts to look at Jose, Santiago and Joaquin......

During that same day you were walking around the Village, you saw some Madrigals like Dolores, Isabella, and Pepa doing their chores like any other day. As you walked by the village you see Daniel walking, so you decided to talk to him " Hey Daniel-" Before you finished your sentence Daniel turned the other direction, you stood there in confusion, you knew he saw you because before he walked away he looked terrified when he saw you. " What's up with Daniel? I don't understand..." You said while you putted your point finger close to your mouth, Camilo walks up to you while eating some Fresas con Crema " Hello Y/N, what are you doing here?" Says camilo as he eats his fresas con Crema " I was just trying to talk to Daniel, but when he saw me, he looked terrified and walked the other way" you said putted your hands on your chest and looked down so sadly " Maybe... he didn't feel like talking?..."Says camilo as he swallows his food " You think so?" You looked up to camilo "Yeah. At least that what's i believe " Says Camilo as he tries not to make eye contact with you, you said that you had to go and waved your hand at Camilo .....

Then you see Jose, Santiago and Joaquin talking to each other, once again you tried to talk to them the same way you tried to talk to Daniel " Hey guys, how are you all doing-?" You said, but before you finished your sentence once again, they looked scared and terrified to talk to you, they walked away because they see Camilo some few steps behind you, since he made a stare that says [ I'm watching you...] they walked away leaving you. " What's going on?" You said with a scared mixed with a Confused face, suddenly you feel like someone was watching you, so you turned around and see nobody, there was no villagers, no one.... You decided to walk where people would be and you see Dolores " Hello Dolores" You said as you had your hands on your chest, feeling stressed out " What wrong Y/N?" Dolores puts her hand on your back " When i try to talk to my male friends, they walk away looking terrified. When i was talking to Jose, Santiago and Joaquin they looked behind me so terrified, and they walked away" you said while talking in a scared voice " Camilo is the last person who talks to them, maybe he's telling them something, and he said something like [If you dare to either talk to Y/N, or look at her, you'll be in danger] but i didn't hear much because some people talked way to loud"

You thought for a second and you believed Dolores because Camilo was protective around you, and always see Camilo staring at you when you walk around the village " I think i must stay away from Camilo for a while..."You said as you looked left and right "If i hear Camilo saying anything else... I'll tell you " Dolores say as she looks at you with a worried face and then she leaves. The next moring was so cloudy and kinda dark, because last light was raining, so everwhere was wet, before you walked out you put on a warm sweater and rain boots. As you walked by the village you see Camilo with Dolores and Isabella, they all said " Hello Y/N" you said only Hello to Dolores and Isabella but no to Camilo, Camilo looked confused at you but ingnored it for a while. During that day you ingnored Camilo all day, he tried to get your attention by trying to talk to you but there was no response from you, Camilo got angry and went to Casita and close the door shut and looked in his mirror " I know you can't stay away from me for long...we're ment to be together, and nothing can take us apart, not even death itself! " Camilo being so furious, couldn't stand you being away from him....
" I'll take you with me tonight...."

Burning Obsession~ Yandere Camilo X  Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now