The First Task

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Task 1
Due date: 12 May (1 week and 2 days from now)
Submit it to me by PM

Scenario: You are an 11-year-old wizard/witch that is arriving at Hogwarts for his/her first time! For those who don't
read Harry Potter, her are a few tips.
*you may refer to the picture and video above (I do not own anything)
*students will board a train at Platform 9 3/4
*a giant named Hagrid will row all first years across a lake
*there will be a Sorting Ceremony where students will be sorted into one of these four houses-- Gryffindor (the brave), Ravenclaw (the intelligent), Hufflepuff (the good/kind) or Slytherin (the cunning)
*you may use the internet to research

Be sure to give your main character a name and if possible, a personality. Go into detail please!

For the soloists:
You do not have to write about the Sorting Ceremony, only the departure and arrival
*leaving from Platform 9 3/4
*the row boats
*first thoughts of Hogwarts

For the allies:
Yes you have to write about everything.
*all those stated up there ^^
*sorting ceremony
*try to include a few minor characters
*welcome dinner (optional)

I know I'm not very good at explaing instuctions. If you have any doubts, post it in the comments or PM me.

Have fun writing and may the odds be ever in you favour! *Effie Trinket voice*

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