part 4

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                Doctor & sabehrwals

Badi maa :
good evening doctor
Doctor :
Hello miss devi sabehrwal
tej :
How is anokhi health doctor ?
tej :
Is she doing ok ?!
Doctor :
She's perfectly fine mr sabehrwal
Doctor :
shes still sensitive towards few things
Doctor :
but other then that shes ok so far
Shaaan :
Glad to know
Shaaan :
thats what i wanted to hear
Shaaan :
any progress in her voice ?
Doctor :
Not yet
Doctor :
but there is a big possibility she might get it back
Doctor :
same thing with her memory
Doctor :
she have told me today that shes been having some kind of flashbacks now and then
Doctor :
in order for here to remember something from her past
Doctor :
she has to go back to that place
Doctor :
or see someone from her past
Shaurya :
Can that happen without causing her pain ?!
Doctor :
Hard to say shaurya
Doctor :
it took her long time to recover
Doctor :
shes lucky to be standing
Doctor :
because not everyone are that Lucky
Doctor :
in her case with lots of care and support
Doctor :
she got much better
Shaurya :
my anokhi safety comes first before anything
Shaurya :
shes my first priority and only one
Shaurya :
i want her to get better soon
Shaurya :
so i can get her back again
Doctor :
She will shaurya don't worry
Badi maa :
Did you inform anokhi about coming back to college again ?
Doctor :
Yes i did because in my opinion
Doctor :
it will be good for her brain to keep it active
Doctor :
in order for her to heal and get better faster
Doctor :
anokhi should be more around people
Doctor :
and interact with her sarounding more
Shaaan :
What about her medicines and food ?
Shaaan :
Did her routine change or is it the same?
Doctor :
It change a bit not much
Doctor :
to many meds is not good for her health
Doctor :
as for  her food routine is still the same tho
Tej :
was anyone with her when she arrived ?
Doctor :
Yes but he was waiting outside
Shaurya :
Was it that acp ahier ?!
Doctor :
Yes it was but he didn't enter
Doctor :
because he got a call and went out
Shaurya :
Glad he didn't come in with her
Shaurya :
he made it easy for me
Shaurya :
to get my anokhi back to college
Shaurya :
and she'll be back to me very soon
Shaurya :
were she belongs
Badi maa :
Don't worry my son you'll get her back
Badi maa :
because you're love is pure and real
Shaaan :
You're badi maa is right shaurya
Shaaan :
you'll have you're anokhi back
Shaaan :
just be patient and
Shaaan :
learn to control you're jealousy my son
Shaurya :
I cant help it when it comes to anokhi and my jealousy dad
Shaurya :
ahier is like a leach following my anokhi everywhere
Shaurya :
i admit he kept her safe but he already knows what anokhi means to me
Shaurya :
he know my relationship with her
Shaurya :
yet ahier has been playing damb with me
Shaurya :
when ever we bamp in to one another
Shaurya :
his been pretending not to know anything
Shaurya :
and on top of that all
Shaurya :
hes watching my anokhi like a holk
Shaurya :
and wont leave her alone for a second
Shaan :
Thats the reason i kept telling you to allow me to remove ahier from our way all along
Shaan :
because i don't want him to stand in the way of you're happiness with anokhi
Shaurya :
Had i known that ahier plan to keep anokhi and me apart
Shaurya :
i would have finished him myself dad
Shaurya :
don't worry i know his every move
Shaurya :
before he try to make his move on her
Shaurya :
I'll snetch her from him
Shaurya :
now all i need is for her to come back to college
Shaurya :
so i can win her heart back
Shaurya :
and when that happens
Shaurya :
we wont have to worry about him anymore
Tej :
There is one thing i don't understand shaurya
Tej :
if ahier know about you and anokhi
Tej :
why didn't he say anything till now ?!
Tej :
Why didn't he get you in trouble ?!
Shaurya :
His quite because of her badi papa
Shaurya :
he doesn't want anyone pointing fingers at anokhi
Shaurya :
he is protecting her because he knows the outcome and impact on anokhi if this gets out
Shaurya :
he doing this for her only
Shaurya :
that how i know he loves her more then just a friend
Shaurya :
badi papa i love anokhi to even more then him
Shaurya :
i wanna keep her safe and away from any hurm
Alok :
Thats why were here shaurya
Alok :
to help you win her back again
Alok :
and this time for good
Shaurya :
Thanks uncle you're the best
Doctor :
You have to keep in mind one thing shaurya
Doctor :
that anokhi doesn't get hurt
Doctor :
so she doesn't relapse again
Doctor :
shes to sensitive to deal with any kind of pain or trauma
Shaurya :
I will doctor
Shaurya :
thank you for being helpful right from the very start
Doctor :
Don't thank me shaurya our family has always been friends for long time

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