their accidental love confession at a party (GOLDEN ERA)

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(Leave any suggestions in the comments xx)

- tells the entire thing to Ron completely unaware you're practically behind him.
- "mate i don't know what to do- it's y/n i cant stop thinking- dreaming of her."
- longingly gazing at you every five minutes (you for sure notice)

-you approach him after he finishes talking to Dean and Seamus
- "hey Ron- enjoying the party?"
"I'm having the time of my life- erm would you like to er dance with me?
"yeah of course-the music at this party is great."
"I KNOW RIGHT! I love it here- the music, the food, you, the decorations, the food."
"did I say the food twice?"

- Nev is the certified drink guard. <3
- he offers to hold your drink whilst you're dancing and is always trying to find an excuse to be near you.
- "awh thanks Nev."
"anything for you y/n."
"what was that?"
"oh nothing haha, have fun!" (whispers) "I love you..."

- is dancing with you and every time he spins you around, you end up slightly closer to him
- constantly smiling down at you- to a point where an 'i love you' is at the tip of his tongue
- "y/n?"
"yeah Dean?"
"I lo- I'm just lucky to be here with you."

- has somehow spilt an entire punch bowl on himself
- you're helping him clean himself up outside the common room
- "thanks y/n, you don't have to do this"
"no worries Seamus! i needed a bit of a break from the party anyways"
"it's moments like these that make me so happy i love you." (realises what he said) "As A fRiEnD oF cOuRsE ahahah"

- literally dancing on the tables drunk
- his shirt is unbuttoned and there's a glass of fire-whiskey in his hand, almost completely spilled over.
- grabs your hand and practically shouts
"HEY! Guess what! I'm sooooo in love with y/n, she makes me so happy and I don't know how I could ever live without her- OH BUT PROMISE NOT TO TELL HER OKAY?" (resumes partying like nothing happened)

- he's drunk as a skunk and clearly just wants to be with you.
- "y/n, have you ever been in love?" (he leaves no time for you to answer) well i have and you know her very well." (raises his eyebrows suggestively)
- you 100% know he's talking about you but he thinks he's being so slick and you don't have the heart to tell him otherwise.

-pretending he isn't enjoying the party and muttering affirmations of annoyance to Blaise
- his face slightly eases when he sees you
- "y/n, finally you're here- i hate everything about this party but with you... well, it's quite the opposite."
"what are you trying to say Malfoy?"
"um- just that you're slightly less unbearable than others... don't flatter yourself y/n."

- you and him left the party for a while when he was about to throw up
- after a bit of sick you could tell he was still a little tipsy but Mattheo being Mattheo refuses to admit weakness
- as you stroked his hair back, he lifts his head from the toilet bowl and goes "maybe it's just the whiskey talking, but I really do love you y/n, and I'll bet I remember none of this in the morning but now's as good a time as any to get this off my chest."

- every single girl (and a few lads) at the party have been eyeing Cedric all night but it seems he's only got his eyes on you
-he finally asks you to dance and you're having to shout over the music to speak
-" I'm glad you asked me to dance with you Cedric!"
"yeah me too y/n I just love y- THIS SONG haha!"
(starts singing along)

- at the end of the party, he's walking you to your dorm and the two of you are discussing how hung over you'll be tomorrow in Snape's lesson.
- "goodnight Ollie."
"night y/n, love ya" (he freezes and his eyes widen as he turns around and literally bolts it to his dorm leaving you giggling like a little girl)

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