chapter 27

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I woke up to the smell of the hospital, the strong smell of antiseptic was hard to miss. I checked the time, it was an hour or two after the incident, no wonder it was so serene and peaceful. I had expected a chaos, nothing like this.

A nurse suddenly came in, her eyes widening as she saw me awake.

"She's awake!" She yelled before approaching me. I had noticed a bandage on my head, it ached. The blood I felt on my person was now gone. I only felt bruises on my arm, and a sprain on some of my fingers. But all in all everything was normal.

They had checked me, and also treated the wounds that were not noticed.

Jennie, Jisoo, and Rosé had arrived. They were in their work clothes, it made me think how they were called when this incident had happened. Was J busy with her wedding organizer or perhaps a new fashion line? Jisoo with her drama? Or Rosé with her and Mr. Park?

I felt bad.

"OMG Lali! Are you ok?" Jisoo sat on the foot of the bed. While Rosé patted my arms and face with gentleness.

"We came as soon as we saw the news. God, I was so scared."

"Why are you all here?" I asked, feeling small.

"Are you joking bitch? You almost died!" Jennie replied, she looked the most affected. After all, during our previous meetup she had specifically suggested I stopped working and continue only when the criminal was caught.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." When in fact, I was not. Everything happened all at once, I don't think time would help me process it.

My dad had also showed up, he was talking to the doctor, just outside my door.

"Are you sure she's ok?"

"Yes sir, we checked her vitals just recently." He assured my dad. He entered the room and went straight to me, holding my hand.

"W-What about my manager? Is she ok?" I asked the nurse who had finished treating me. She also took a few tests.

"She's awake and being stitched up as of the moment." She replied before finally going out the door. She had that tired look, obviously tired from the chaos that had erupted the hospital.

The door opened again, this time it was Jungkook. He had on a poker face, his arms crossed and his stance showing much prowess. God, he was angry. And it was all my fault.

I kept my eyes on him as he and my dad talked, his form was too callus and potent to not notice. His white button up shirt did not even help, instead it defined him more. And I am not gonna lie, I am scared of what's coming once all the people leave and it's just the two of us left.

"There are many reporters near the entrance of the hospital. And I don't think they'd be leaving anytime soon," Jisoo said with much concern.

"I'll talk to Jungkook first, rest." My dad said before leaving the room. Jungkook looked at me before leaving.

"He's dead, Lis. That asshole is dead." Jennie broke the news, holding onto my hand. I don't know if I should be happy with that news or what, but I was somewhat relieved. Years of living afraid, threatened by this man, and now that he was off the face of the earth...

I laid back on the bed, after previously sitting from the tests and the arrival of my friends. I had felt woozy, and decided to close my eyes while my friends stayed by my side.

The police had interviewed me the day after, I told them about the incident and how it involved my previous scandal. Now that he was dead, there was nothing holding me back really.

Jungkook had told my dad about our relationship, hence, he preferred that I stayed with him.

"Can I... see my manager? Is she ok?" I asked while we were walking to the other exit of the door to avoid any reporters.

He nodded.

She was being asked by the police, and when she saw me outside her door she gave me an OK sign with her left hand, her right arm had an arm sling. I smiled at that.

There was a window parallel to the room, showing the people outside near the hospital's main entrance. The amount of reporters outside made me shudder.

We rode his car, one of the bodyguards driving while the both of us were seated at the back. Everything was silent, I was thankful that the car's windows were tinted. As the amount of people swarming the car and trying to see the inside suffocated me.

"So... uhm... the gig was canceled." I tried to make small talk. The air between us was so awkward that I was sure even the bodyguard at the front felt it. I looked at his side, waiting for a response, and he gives a nod.

Good lord, he looked so angry. I did not even care what the topic was anymore, I just wanted us communicating. My eyes stung a bit, a known prequel before my tears attempted to escape.

I shook the feeling out, trying to stop myself from crying. This was not the time. It can wait.

"Are you hungry? The hospital food was not good." I put in a lot of effort to not shout at myself. I just wanted the surface to eat me up.

"What do you want to eat?" He took out his phone and opened a message, not even looking at me.

"Y-You know the seafood pasta we ate during our time in Greece? I would love that..." I said with much enthusiasm.

He didn't reply, and continue typing on his phone. God, this was pissing me off.

We were already nearing his pent. And when we finally arrived, I immediately went out the door and made a beeline for the elevator. I crossed my arms as I waited for him to get in as well.

I opened the door to his pent, with him following me from behind. He closed it immediately, he then placed a small paper bag on the table. In it was my broken phone, and my bag.

"Are you angry? Are you mad?" It was a desperate move, but I hated how we weren't talking to each other. I hated fighting.

He palmed his face before sighing, I took it as his patience for me.

"You need to rest," he said. He was already turning his back to me. It was like a switch, how I can break down so easily.

"I'm sorry I'm always in trouble, Kook." Tears fell from my eyes, I hate how I can cry this easily.

He approached me and I could feel his stare at me, his eyes filled with exhaustion, patience, worry, and anger.

"I'm so sorry, Kook. Everywhere I go, I seem to have bad luck tailing on me." I whispered.

Warm arms enveloped me, he hugged me tight, not in the sense that it was uncomfortable. I could feel him, everything about him. And his scent, it cradled me.

"I don't think I can bear seeing you in a situation like that again, Lalisa. I don't think I can handle it." No distance was left between us, he hugged me like I was his life.

"I love you." He said, pulling away from the hug to look at my face. He held it with much care.

"I love you too, so much." I said softly, small tears falling as he continued to wipe them

"So marry me again, baby, for real this time." He took my hand in his, holding it and slipped a ring. It was so beautiful, and it looked elegant on my hand.

"Are you sure you want to marry me?" I sniffled.

"Let's visit both my parents tomorrow, the last time you visited was weeks before you left me." He drawled, a bit irritated.

That was not true, before I left him, I had gone to the cemetery. To tell them my true feelings, why I was leaving, how I did everything for him.

But he did not need to know that.

"My dad too!" I inserted.

"I've already won him over, but if you insist."

I slept with relief that night, the warmth of his embrace lulling me to sleep.

pink venom:>>

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