Chapter 3 Beacon Academy

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At Team RWBY's dorm

Team RWBY, JNPR and Enterprise's friends are all gathered in their dorm.

Weiss: Why is this Adam guy after you? 

Yang: Are you hiding something from us?

She sighs and removes her bow to revealing her cat ears to her friends.

Jaune: Wait your faunus?

Blake:...Yes, I used to be a White fang member. Few years ago when the White fang used to be a peaceful organization we go to rallies fighting for equality, but then that leader step down and another rise up, everything changed. They now attack people who discriminate the faunus and organized an attack on businessess who wont serve the faunus and to our surprise it worked. Not by respect but by spreading fear, so that's why I left.

She continues.

Blake: As for Adam, he's my ex lover and mentor...

They we're speechless. Ruby then speaks up.

Ruby: Why didnt you tell us sooner, we're a team!

Yang: Yeah, you can always rely on us and we'll be there for you. If there is anythiing wrong tell us.

Blake: Thanks...but it still have a question that is left unanswered.

Enterprise: What is it?

Blake: I dont get it, why would the White Fang side with the Sirens in the first place?

Enterprise: I've been asking the same question aswell...

???: *fake coughs*

They all look at the opened door to see B/N.

B/N: Blake can you come with me? and no we're only asking some questions, we believe you some information about the White Fang and this Adam guy.

Blake: Okay then.

She gets up and follows B/N for some questioning.

Time skip brought you by Laffey and Qrow drinking together

After some questioning Blake about the White Fang and Adam Taurus, Ozpin also gave them the green light to build a forward operating base outside of Beacon Academy. Now, AL shipgirls, Sudents, Professors and some news anchors are gathered in an open area to see the Allies setting up their base like tents, foxholes and building wooden watchtowers. 

Lisa Lavender: We're now here live that Vale was saved by an unknown military from the White fang attack. Now they're setting up base outside of Beacon Academy.

Then they all felt the ground shaking and turns to see a very large vehicle that is tall as a 2-3 story building.

(Author: MCVs size scale are actually bigger than ones they show in the game)

(Author: MCVs size scale are actually bigger than ones they show in the game)

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The Fight Against The Sirens And Grimms (Red Alert x Azur lane x RWBY) [AU]Where stories live. Discover now