Why Can't I Just Be Him Instead?

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Today is Thursday and you are at school. You are in Science class. Jon can't help but notice that you are staring at your classmate named Scott who looks like Michael J. Fox and you can't help but smile when you look at him because you do have a crush on Michael J. Fox after you saw him on Family Ties. When Jon noticed this, he tried to call your attention by throwing a crumbled paper at you but the attention he got was the teacher. "What is that, Mr. Knight? Do you want to share it with the class?" Mr. Jones asks while crossing his arms. "No, Mr. Jones," Jon quietly replied. "Why are you trying to call Y/n in the middle of the class?" Mr. Jones asked again. This made Jon annoyed. "Nothing. I was just-" Then you saved him. "Oh, actually he wanted me to return his pen back," you butt out. "Okay," Mr. Jones said. 

After class, you were putting your books in your locker when suddenly Scott, your crush, approaches you. Jon, about to approach you but he witnessed you and Scott talking. He got kind of annoyed, so he walked away. "Y/n, hi!" Scott approached. You feel your heart jump. "Um, uh. Hi, uh, S-scott," you stutter. He laughs. "Anyways, I know you're a smart girl that's why I approached you. Can you help me, please?" he pleaded. "Sure, where?" you asked. "In Math. I kinda suck there. If you help me, I'll buy you McDonald's," he promised. "Scott, you don't need to do that. I'm glad to help," you volunteered. "No, no. I insist," he insisted. "Alright," you agreed. "You can teach me outside the school. How about near the trees?" he asks. "Okay," you agreed. Before you walk away with Scott, you looked for Jon. "Do you know where Jon is?" you ask him. "I actually saw him," he replied. "Where?" you ask. "Uh, he went home," he said. "I thought he said he and I will go home together," you said in a sad tone. "Don't worry about him. He can do that all by himself," Scott assured. Then you two went along outside the school and near the trees. There, you taught him for about 2 hours  and he kind of got it at some point. Then you two went to McDonald's and bought you a burger and fries just like he promised you. You two spent time in McDonald's. Talking, laughing, and joking. You had a good time and instantly developed a friendship with Scott.

Then you two left McDonald's and decided to go separate ways. Before he says "bye" to you. He hugged you very tightly and pulled back. "Y/n, um. Thanks for teaching me. I'm glad to learn from you," he said happily. "Can you just be my teacher instead?" he jokes. You laugh. "Just tell me if you need my help," you volunteered. He hugs you again and you go your separate ways.

Once you got home, you called Jon on the phone and he answered with a cold and harsh tone. "Jon!" you exclaimed. "What?" he said in a cold tone. "Are you okay?" you wondered. "Yeah," he lies. "Anyways, you know Scott, right? Well, he's my friend now and when he was talking to me, I couldn't speak much. OMG! He's so handsome, he looks like Michael J. Fox," you babbled. Jon rolls his eyes. "Why did you leave me? I thought were going home together?" you questioned. "Oh, about that. Um, I was in a rush. I need to do something," he lies once again. You feel Jon is lying to you so you told him that you don't believe him. "I'm telling the truth!" he claimed. "Jon, you don't have to raise your voice," you calmly tell him. "Because you don't believe me. You know what, go on with your life. Bye," he suddenly hangs up. "What's wrong with him? Did I do something wrong to offend him?" you question yourself.

After that phone call, Jon wondered to himself. "If only she know what I really feel. If only I could be a brave guy to tell what I'm feeling. If I could only be as handsome as Scott then Y/n would probably have a crush on me and not him. Why can't I just be him instead?"

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