Truth - 10

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I rushed to my apartment door excited to see Love, while I was running I thought about how I would explain everything. I wasn't scared about Love not believing me, I was scared that she would think I was kinda crazy for tying Joe to a chair and keeping him in a cage. I unlocked my door and saw Love sitting on the dinning table. 

"Love!?" I said excitedly walking over to her, I looked at the table and saw my journal next to a manila folder, I stopped in my tracks, "Where did you find that." I asked her.

"It was on the counter." she said flatly, I never leave my journal out like that, Joe your a dick and I really can't wait to kill you. "You know, I don't like being lied to y/n."

"But I didn't lie, I just didn't tell you about somethings."

"So what you didn't trust me enough to tell me about, these things." she said gesturing to the journal, I furrowed my eyebrows knowing that I haven't written anything about the murders in there.

"How much do you know exactly?"

"Well I hired someone to run a history check on you-"

"You what? Why would you do that?"

"Well I just wanted to know about your past since you refused to tell me about it."

"That doesn't mean you can just hire someone to learn about it!" I was starting to lose my patience, "What did they even tell you?" I said taking a deep breath.

"I know about your step father." she explained, "You killed him?" 

"Yes because he was abusive and nearly killed my mother, so yes I killed him." she furrowed her brows and looked to the journal again.

"When were you gonna tell me about Will, and the fact that you see and hear things?" 

"His name isn't even Will, it's Joe and he drug and kidnaped Candace and I. Thats why I didn't come home last night." she gave me a confused look.

"See I don't know if I should even believe you. Will was at work today, perfectly fine, and you expect to me to believe that he had you locked up somewhere the entire day, and then you somehow escaped?"

"Yes, because thats exactly what happened."

"Will was right, you are crazy." she said standing up and grabbing her bag. 

"What the fuck? You don't believe me?"

"Sorry but what you're saying sounds insane." she snapped back, making my chest tighten. "you're insane to think I could ever love you after this." 

"Love, please, It's the truth. Why would I lie about something like that."

"Whether it's true or not, you still lied, and who's to say you didn't just run off with Candace somewhere." my eyes widened not able to understand what just took over this woman.

"Are you listening to yourself right now, Love I am literally in love with you. Why would you even think that?" I said walking over to her, "Love, I love you and I would never lie or even cheat on you." I grabbed her hands, "I am telling the truth, why would I lie about any of the stuff I just told you?" she started tearing up, "I love you." I said whipping her tears, I pressed a soft kiss on her lips, I pulled away and rested our foreheads together. "Please believe me." I whispered.

"I don't know what to believe," she said as her lip quivered, she put her hands on my shoulders and pushing me back softly, "I need time to think," she sniffled, "I think we need a break, from each other." my insides were cold, did I just die? 

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