Season 1 episode 1: "The Competition begins"

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Hi, I'm Y/N Edwards, I'm 7 years old and I'm from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, and I love to dance, I've dancing since I could walk, my mom, Danielle Edwards teaches me since she used to be a dancer herself. I've never danced at a studio; I mean why would I need to when I have my mom.

Danielle: Y/N, sweetie, time to wake up, we are going to do a bit of home schooling and then we can start on your solo for the competition

Y/N: Okay, mom

Danielle: Don't be too long, breakfast will be ready in 10

After mom left my room, I got dressed into a leotard and leggings, so I won't have to change later, I went downstairs and breakfast was on the table, as I was eating I started on some school work to get it over and done with.

Later on in the day, I started learning my solo for the weekend, and let's just say it's one of my favourites yet, I can't wait to compete with it.  Also, my mom makes my costumes, and they are so beautiful. After an hour, I had learned the dance and had run through it 3 times and over the next few days I would just be applying corrections and perfecting it.

3 days later, me and mom were on our way to the competition a day earlier as it was in Phoenix, Arizona, but we don't mind as we both love travelling and seeing other places. When we got to our hotel we checked in and asked if there was a hall or some space in the hotel, and luckily there was so we were able to run through my dance a few times before we went to bed as we had to up early the next day.

We woke up early and started getting ready with my makeup and hair all done before we made our way to the venue, for some reason the solos weren't until after all the groups, so we had some time to relax and watch other dancers. Some groups were amazing whilst others were not my cup of tea.

When all the group dances and awards were given, the duo and trios category started, once they came near to the end I made my way backstage as I was the first on after the last trio, the trio before my turn to perform was a jazz trio of three girls, one wearing pink, one wearing blue and the other wearing yellow whose headband was falling down her face, but she still did well and was still in time with the other girls and luckily for them they still won.

Right after the duo trio award ceremony the solo category started

Announcer: Please welcome to the stage in the mini solo category number 100 Y/N with 'Live and let die'

Once I finished my dance I gracefully walked off the stage whilst the audience clapped. I came from backstage to where my mom was in the audience and we watched the rest of the solos until it was award time, I made my way back to the stage and found a spot to sit whilst waiting to hear if I made the top 5. They had just called out second place and that has made me even more nervous and scared that I didn't place as I usual place in the top 5. And your first place mini soloist with a perfect score...number 100, Live and let die, Y/N, I stood up and smiled and made my way to the announcer where I was given a sash, a crown and a trophy that was nearly as big as me

Announcer: Is there anything you would like to say?

Y/N: Thank you for the opportunity to perform for you all today and I would also like to thank my mom for choreographing my solo and creating my costume.

After the ceremony I walked down to meet my mom who had all our stuff together as it was the end of the day and time to go home, but before we could get out the door a young woman came up to us.

Gianna: Hi, I was wondering if I could have a word with you for a moment if it isn't a problem

Danielle: Not a problem, what is it that you wanted to talk about

Gianna: So, my name is Gianna and I saw Y/N dance and I thought that she was amazing especially for being a min

Y/N: Thank you

Gianna: Your welcome sweetie, as I was saying Y/N is amazing and I saw in the programme that she was registered as an independent

Danielle: Yeah, I'm her teacher, but I have been looking at dance schools in our area

Gianna: Well, where are you guys from?

Danielle: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Gianna: Same as me, I actually teach at Abby Lee Dance Company, have you heard of it?

Danielle: Yeah, it's one of the studios we are interested in

Gianna: Well, here's our card and if you ever want to drop by for a look around or a trial in one of our classes just call the number and ask to speak to Gianna Martello and I'll sort everything for you

Danielle: Thank you, we'll think about it

Gianna: Well, I won't keep you any longer, have a safe journey back home

Y/N: Thank you, it was nice to meet you

Gianna: you too, hopefully I will see you soon

We soon left the venue and made our way to the airport for our flight back to Pittsburgh. 

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