Season 1 Episode 12- 'There's only one star'

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We are back in L.A.

Abby: Ready girls. Let's go. Come on in.

When we got into the room there was no pyramid it was just a straight line

Abby: Well, you thought you were going to go home after Lake Tahoe and here we are back in LA. And the big surprise, it's very exciting, before I get into that, you notice there's no pyramid, yes?

                         Mackenzie Paige Nia Brooke Chloe Maddie Y/N

Abby: Everybody's in a straight line because here in LA, it's not really about the talent, it's about the look. I'm ready to uh talk a little bit about this surprise. This is LA. The best people in the world come here. There are all vying for the same job. Everybody wants to be a star. You are going to get the opportunity to audition for a major music video. I don't know who's gonna get it. I don't know if all of you are gonna get it, or just some of you. It's not up to me. I don't make the decisions. So, it's every man for himself. Tomorrow instead of a rehearsal, we will be having a class. I'm going to teach a hip hop combination since that audition is gonna be in hip hop. This is Hollywood. They can chew you up and spit you out or they can make all your dreams come true. It just depends. You have to be in the right place at the right time and you have to be prepared for the worst.

Danielle: Abby, can I just say that we won't be able to be here tomorrow morning because Y/N has an audition for a tv show.

Abby: That's fine, thank you for telling me.

The rest of the day we did a little bit of hip hop before we left. That night I practiced for my audition and then went to bed for an early night considering we had to get up early.

The day of the audition came, and I thought I did well just have to wait and see.

Today was the day of the music video audition and I could tell that the girls were nervous since they haven't really done this before.

There were a lot of people in the room. The audition was being held by MSA which is a big casting company especially for kids.

Some of us were put into a room where a guy was teaching choreography. Some of the girls struggled, but they picked it up eventually. And of course, Abby being Abby she had to give us a talk.

Abby: Girls, this is a chance of a lifetime, yes? There aren't any second chances. The very first impression is the most important one. Do you understand that? Yes? Alright let's give it to them. Have fun and keep dancing.

Some of us were called into the room in small groups. We did the choreography we were taught, and we also had a chance to improv and so off what we can do.

Lucky for us the owner of MSA wanted to see our group.

Julie: Hi everybody, I'm Julie McDonald and I'm the co-owner of MSA, McDonald Selznick Associates. So, we've seen a lot of dancers come through our agency. One thing that you're learning about is that rejection is a huge part of the business, and you just have to keep going. Right?

Shelli: There's a number of things we look for when we have an audition. It's not always about dance technique and all those sorts of things. There's a commercial aspect that we look for, dance ability, and your presence and how you adapt. As we always say, as you walk in from the very first moment into the audition we do take notice.

Guy: But we do have amazing news for all of you ladies. And that is that there's a new and upcoming pop star that has a music video coming up. And they're looking for a girl dance group. And we all think that you ladies would be perfect for that.

Us girls all celebrated when we got the news.

When we got back to the moms we decided to pretend that we didn't make it. We walked back in with sad faces.

Paige: We didn't make it.

But then we started screaming and cheering shocking the moms.

Brooke: We're on a music video with a pop star.

The next day we were in the studio, and we met the producer, choreographer, makeup and hair crew. The producer said that one person is going to be a featured in the video.

It doesn't bother me as much if I don't get the lead because I have many other opportunities, so I hope someone who doesn't get many opportunities gets it.

After learning the choreography, we went to a salon and had our makeup and hair done for a screen test. Once we were done I thought we all looked cool.

It's the day of the music video and we had our hair and makeup done and putting on the outfits.

Abby: Listen, this is a professional job, your in L.A. You're in Hollywood. You're at a sound stage. You are doing a real video shoot.

Then a bunch of boys came in, I was partnered up with a guy who was a little bit taller than me. And thankfully he was good and knew what he was doing.

After a while the producer came and got us and brought us to meet Lux the artist video this is. When I met her I thought she and Chloe looked a bit alike, so I hope Chloe gets to be Lux.

The producer got us to dance and walk in front of the camera and just have some fun and show off what we can do.

Seven: Thank you so much. We had a fun time watching you and a great time working with you. Girls, you did an amazing job. And this is unlike just going out for a dance competition, there are many different levels to this. There's not only your dance ability, but your acting ability. And then it comes down to a certain essence or a quality. For this particular role, we need to find someone that comes as close to looking like Lux and feeling like Lux as possible. For those reasons and based on your talent and your combined efforts at the end of the day, we have to make a decision about what's going to be best for the video. With everything that I have mentioned before, I think that I have to, we have to with Chloe because Chloe, you've got that thing that's just working for this video right now.

I'm so happy that Chloe got the lead, she deserved it.

We filmed the video after a long day, but it was so fun. This experience makes me want to do more music videos.

One month later we were back in Pittsburgh and Abby had called us in for a meeting.

Abby: First off, I want to tell all of you congratulations. You are National Champions. Girls, you know I didn't call you all here just to tell you how proud I was. I would never waste that time, yes? I was able to snag a copy of the music video. Are you ready?

Girls: Yeah!

We watched the video and it looked awesome. Chloe was the perfect Lux.

Abby: Was it awesome?

Girls: Yes!

Abby: I just want you all to know you are the next generation of the Abby Lee Dance Company. You are bright, shining stars. You're my stars. Before you go, Y/N has some news.

Y/N: The show I auditioned for called me and said that I got the part.

The girls all cheered, but I wasn't as excited.

Y/N: However, I'm not sure if I'll be able to dance with you guys next season, we'll just have to wait and see. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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