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*As the sun begins to shine through Y/N's window they toss in their bed*
Y/N: *yawn* Ugh the sun is in my eyes, say what time is it anyway?
*Their hand reaches to a dresser to look at their phone*
Y/N: It's 5:57? Might as well get ready for school,since it's the first day of going to Bluecherry.
*Y/N walks over to the bathroom to brush her teeth and take a shower*
*Y/N looks at the mirror in the bathroom*
Y/N: Heh, that's me all right, wouldn't want to be anyone else.
Y/N: The only part about this new school that I don't like is uniforms but I guess they're kind of cute.
*Y/N gets dressed then heads down stairs for breakfast*
Y/N: Good Morning Mom!
Y/N's mom: Good morning Y/N came for breakfast before your big day?
Y/N: Yes, could I just have an instant oatmeal cup?
Y/N's mom: Sure thing kiddo, want fruit on the side?
Y/N: Could you cut an apple?
Y/N's mom: Sure apples are good...
*After a small yet filling breakfast the two of them pile into their car, none of them say a word until they get to the front of the school*
Y/N's mom: Have a nice first day, you have everything right?
Y/N: Time Table,Lunch,*Hydration Fluid*...That's everything! See you after school!
Y/N's mom: Ok I might be home late so help yourself to the leftovers from last night!
Y/N: Ok mom!
*Y/N turns to the school building before them*
Y/N: Ok so let's get to home room it should be room... *omph*
Y/N: Oh I'm sorry for that it's my first day and...
?: It's fine, here let me help you
Y/N: th th thank you
Lila: By the way I'm Lila, and it says here we're in the same home room
*She holds out Y/N's Time Table*
Lila: I can walk with you to show you where we need to go.
*Y/N and Lila walk, Y/N notices Lila's hand*
Y/N: Hey do you paint your nails?
Lila: Not really since I bite them a lot, it's just marker.
Y/N: Oh I see, they still look nice
Lila: Thank you, oh and this is our room
Y/N: 304, ok!
*As the both of them step inside, students are sitting on desks talking to each other and one their phones*
Lila: Let me show you to everyone, HEY EVERYONE!
*The students turn their heads over to Lila*
Lila:This is Y/N, they're a new student here, so no picking on them until they've settled in for about two weeks.
Lila: Well your on your own now k go talk to some people.
*Y/N walks over to a guy with black hair*
Y/N: Hi
*He doesn't look up but still says hello*
Y/N:Are you writing something?
???: Yes... Guy is writing something
Y/N: Guy?
Guy: Yes, Guy's name is Guy
Y/N: Well what are you writing?
Guy: It's not done yet... don't ask until it's done
*Y/N walks over to two people*
Y/N: Hey, what's going on over here?
*They both look at them*
???:You have eyes what does it look like we're doing?
Y/N: Uh oh sorry
???:No it's fine, Leopold was just messing
Leopold: Leo, Claire LEO!
Claire: Haha I know
Leo: Anyway we're playing MASH and was just finishing Claire's reading.
Claire: So what's the result?
Leo: Ok so your going to own a House, have 3 kids, your car is a lawnmower.
Claire: And who's the lucky lady or guy?
Leo: Angel
*Claire blushes*
Claire: Omg hahaha
Leo: Hey kid,would you like a MASH reading?
Y/N: No thank you my name is Y/N by the way
*The bell rings*
Claire: Looks like homeroom is finally starting
*The door opens*
???: Good morning
Everyone:Good morning Mister Wrench
Mister Wrench: Seems we have a new student joining our homeroom class, Y/N if you would.
*Y/N walks to the front of the room*
Y/N: Hello I'm Y/N I just moved in about 2 days ago I use the gender neutral pronouns of They/Them/Theirs if you want to refer to me.
Mister Wrench: Thank you for your introduction you can sit in the seat next to Lynn. Lynn!
Lynn: Huh? Oh yeah they can sit next to me.
Mister Wrench: That's wasn't a question for you to object or sustain they are sitting next to you regardless.
Lynn: Yes sir.
*Y/N go's to sit down*
Mister Wrench: Ok good now let's get into the day with our thoughts.
*He pulls out paper from his desk*
*Lynn starts taping on his desk*
Y/N: *whispering* why you tapping?
Lynn: Oh it's just a thing I do.
Y/N: Oh okay.
*As time passes Homeroom comes to an end*
Mister Wrench: It's seems we're out of time for today, remember to put your thoughts in the basket before you leave.
*Y/N shortly meets up with Lila*
Lila: Hey Y/N need help again?
*Y/N nods*
Lila: Let me see your Time Table, okay Math in room 210, so you just keep going this way and make a left turn on this hallway.
Y/N: Thanks
*Y/N walks off*

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