ScaraMona #1 - Zodiacs

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Note: In this one shot, Mona and Scaramouche are both juniors (11th grade). Ajax (Childe) is in 12th grade.

Dedicated to my besfran, Nijah


Scaramouche was a popular student, though hated by everyone.

He didn't mind though - he hated them, too.

He sat at a table, near the window in the library, dazing out as the sun rays hit his pale face. His knuckles on his chin kept his head up, gazing outside and seeing his classmates eat their lunch.

Scaramouche didn't know everyone at his school since he saw everyone as a blur - an NPC. He kept to himself a lot, but some people would just keep bothering him as if he actually cared about them.

"Hey, Scaramouche!" a soft, familiar voice shouted.

Ajax, for example, was someone who believed that Scaramouche actually cared about him.

The chair next to Scaramouche was pulled out and Ajax sat on it, letting out a sigh of relief, "Hey, so the Fatui club was planning on meeting after school if you wanted to join in."

Scaramouche kept his eyes out the window, stuck on this girl under a tree who was reading a book. Her hair looked like a moonlight purple and it matched the school uniform. Though Scaramouche wasn't paying much attention to the way she looked but more to the fact that she was reading during lunch, and with 5 books sitting right next to her.

Ajax sighed, not getting a response. He leaned back onto his seat and threw his head back, looking at the ceiling, "I know you're still mad that Ms. Ei decided to give you detention for the whole week, but you have to understand, man," Ajax smiled, turning his head to Scaramouche, seeing him dazing out, "You yelled at Signora, man. All because she gave you the anemo power in the dungeons and dragons session from last week..."

The girl that Scaramouche was watching closed her book and sat still for a while. He narrowed his eyes at her, waiting to see what her next move would be.

"You pissed off Signora, so I think you would need to apologize to her if you want the electro power-"

"How much longer until the bell?" He muttered, interrupting Ajax.

"20," the ginger boy responded. He kept his gaze on the short friend, waiting for another comment, or an answer, but nothing was given. He let out a sigh, "We kind of need our Balladeer for the next mission."

Scaramouche still didn't respond. The girl kept still under the tree, her pale finger tapping on the cover of the textbook. After a few seconds, she gazed up, meeting eyes with Scara.

He kept his eyes narrowed at her, trying to figure out if he's met her before. Of course, he has since they were classmates, but Scaramouche isn't the type to remember faces... especially if they were NPCs to him.

For a second, Scaramouche's memory almost came back. History class, English, Math... What was the class she's in with him?

The girl furrowed her eyebrows, flicking him off.

She broke eye contact.


Scaramouche walked out of his last class, letting out an exhausted sigh. He loosened up his tie, looking down at the tiled floor as he walked down the hall, ready to go home.


Scaramouche sighed, hearing the ginger boy again. He stopped walking as Ajax caught up with him, "Hey, you're coming to the session right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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