It didn't take a minute for her to find it! More precisely, sensing the location. Now the plan is to sneak up on the guest and play hide and seek. At the end of the game, the searcher must kill the hider...
Here it is, - the girl laughed to herself - a white and fluffy creature. It will be a real pleasure to stab them!
A little fox was crouching in the hallway and watched a piece of paper laying on the ground with an invitation to play. She stood up and turned towards the door where Daisy was watching her through the door from the other side.
However, the newbie didn't see the evil person.
Those eyes... - Daisy slowly grabbed her head - eyes! Crystal clear. And crystal amulet! What is wrong with me! I can't kill my best friend - Crystala Jewela!
"Crystala..."- A quiet, sad sob came from the door.
The fox freaked out until she realized that it was her own friend. The door of the room opened and Moona crept through it, taking slow steps.
"Daisy!"- the fox happily flew to hug, but the wolf stretched her hand, denying access.
"Run, Jiwa. Run."- She said without adding an explanation.
Crystala had a lot of questions, but since there were no answers, she ran away. She realized that it was neither good nor safe.
Without thinking or controlling herself, Daisy put her cloak and mask back on, picked up her sword, and leisurely followed her footsteps.
Deeper in her mind, she sensed what she was doing, but she was unable to influence anything there.
The arctic fox instinctively looked for a way out. Almost in every corner where the girl ran, there was evil Moona.
For the first time, the fox almost jumped out of her skin when she saw the monster, which is actually a friend.
Jewela walked into the room and locked it behind her. She was trembling all over. Fear of the unknown tormented the mind.
The hushed, amused laughter behind the door didn't help at all.Crystala ran to the other side of the room, accidentally running into a small table. Something resounded, causing the air to stir strangely.
The white fox turned and saw an old music box with an unknown language on the cover.
Jiwa carefully turned the key into the side of the box and immediately a peculiar melody began to play. With that, the atmosphere stirred again and a transparent portal appeared, spinning towards the center, in a clockwise direction.
"Ding... Dong." - There was a mocking, high-pitched laugh.
Daisy was standing behind Crystala but a few steps away! But the door was still closed and intact.
Thick, purple clouds, looking like fog, poured out of the wolf.
Jiwa wanted to jump into the portal because she sensed that it was the way out. But how can she leave her friend here!
"Sis, remember me! Let's go home! Come with me..." - the arctic fox said mournfully, stretching out her hand to the friend.
However, Daisy came threateningly with her sword and was about to stab her friend, but she jumped aside.
Jiwa, making her own Crystal Sword, hurried up to defend herself, but Moona had remained much stronger and more agile.
Soon the wolf knocked away the fox's sword out of her hands, which broke into pieces, and cornered her.
Well, Crystala had nowhere to run. Daisy laughed evilly and drew her sword again, she was ready to make the last move - kill the arctic fox.
Those were the rules of the game.Crystala once again looked deeply into her friend's evil eyes and sobbed: "Please don't do that... you're my best friend..."
At that moment, the evil one remembered who she is and who her victim is.
She remembered everything she had forgotten, all the important things.Dropping her sword, which shattered into fine shards, and pulling off her skeleton mask, sliding her cloak off her shoulders, Daisy reached for Crystala's hand and grabbed it.
Both looked at each other in understanding and hugged each other tightly.
"Yes, let's go home. Thank you for saving me."-Moona thanked warmly.
Jewela laughed a little and said....
"Thank you for not killing me!"
Blood Game | short horror story
HorrorA 17-year-old arctic wolf girl mysteriously ended up in an old, abandoned house. Her mission was to get out of there, but faced problems that threatened her and other lives. Will she make it out alive, or will she stay there and rule over evil?