᯽Chapter 5 - Goodbyes?᯽

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"Optimus I've pinpointed the location of Megatron's space bridge"

"High in earth's orbit" Ratchet explained

Optimus walked over 

"Out of our reach"

"Okay so you guys don't fly" Miko started

"But cant you just ground bridge there"

"The ground bridge limited range stretched all the way to orbit its vortex could snap and scatter us to the stars"

You looked over to Miko she had an expression with both shock and sadness you couldn't help but feel bad for her a bit

"Since Megatron is likely already in transit i'm afraid we must take that risk"

"Reaching the space bridge first is our only means of stopping him"

A familiar blue motorcycle drove in with a familiar person

They took off their helmet to reveal Jack

"Guess whos back"

'At least I was right' You thought while having great pride in yourself

"Autobots prepare for departure" 

Arcee transformed back into her robot self and asked

"Where to?"

"The final frontier" Miko answered her

"Space? I thought they didn't have anyways to get there" He says in confusion

Bee puts down Raf onto the ground

"They don't, really"

"Um be seeing you" He says to Arcee before she walked off

Everyone said their goodbyes to their bots while you watched in the back

"Optimus if you leave me stranded on a planet teeming with humans I will never forgive you"

"Until we meet again old friend"

"Autobots roll out!"

They transformed and entered the ground bridge

Leaving you and the others in the base

But something is wrong you felt it

"*Without the dish Megatron will be unable to aim the space bridge at Cybertron*" Optimus points out through the comms

"Don't the Deceptiocons know where their own planet is?" Raf asks

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