.3 The Past

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NO ONE POV.....-past-
Finn and Robin were always hanging out at school, watching Robin get into fights,bandaging him up after them, Robin beating people to a bloody pulp for Finn. They always felt nervous around each other. When the made eye contact they're chest would hurt, heart pounding, they just thought nothing of it until Robin found his feelings through a sleep over with Finn.
ROBIN POV.....-past-
It was a cold day, Finn getting bullied in the washroom, so what does a kind 'friend do? "No toques a mi Finn,malditos!" Robin yelled loudly.
(Don't touch my Finn, fuckfaces!)
The main bully (Matty) looked behind him only to see black. He opened his eyes and saw Robin on him, beating his face. "I'M GOING TO BEAT YOUR FACE TO A BLOODY PULP ESTÚPIO" Robin screamed
Robin then got up off of Matty, he quickly ran to the bathroom door. "Cobarde" Robin said as the bully ran out the bathroom
Finn sat there shaking, trembling. "Finn? Are you okay? Amor?". Robin said. Finn was having a panic attack. He thought he was honestly going crazy. "GET AWAY" Finn screamed. Robin stared at him. "P-please don't hit me....dad" Finn cried. "Finn, Finn look at me" Robin said as he crouched down next to Finn. He was pulling him into a hug, then Finn flinched. ~A few minutes later~ Finn has calmed down just enough where I can ask him what the hell just fucking happened. "Amor, what did he do to you?". Finn pulled away from the hug. Finn lifted his shirt, showing his skinny little figure with bruises, scars, fresh scars. "He did that" Finn could hear the pain in his voice. Finn cried more. "I'm sorry Robin I really am" "What? What are you sorry for,amor?" "I'm sorry" Finn kept on repeating. "You're staying at my place tonight, ¿de acuerdo, amor?" Robin said.
Finn shook his head. "Finn were going to skip school, c'mon let's go" Robin said as he pulled Finn up. "Are you hungry amor?" Robin said just to see finn's head shake side to side."okay finn". They walked outside.
I'm so glad Robin saved me from my bullies. I couldn't afford getting hurt again. "Hey Robin, how far is you're house from here?" Finn said with his voice a bit shaky. "Like 5 minutes, amor. Are you okay?" Robin asked worried. "Oka-" Finn said but then fell. Robin heard a thud. He looked over to see Finn laying on the ground. "Finn? FINN ARE YOU OKAY?, FINN?". All the yelling was muffled for Finn. Robin saw that he have passed out. Robin then picks Finn up.
I picked Finn up, just to almost drop him. I thought he would have a just a tiny bit of weight on him but he's too light. I started to get worried. I had Finn in my arms, so I just kicked the door, it swung open. "Hm it's usually locked" Robin said. He placed Finn on the couch and went to go see if there was a note from his mom on the counter or why no one was at the damn house. "Here it is!" Robin said as he read the note.
Hola, Cariño, Soy mamá, tengo un viaje de negocios por unos días. ¡Hay comida en la nevera para ti!te amo.
(Hola,honey it's mama, I have a business trip for a few days. There's food in the fridge for you!, love mama)
Okay I'm glad she's gone and didn't get kidnapped. I heard a yelp, I ran into the living room to see blade on top of Finn, Finn was sitting up staring at the cat, making himself comfortable on Finn.(blade is robin's cat cause I said so).
Finn looked scared. "He won't bite Finn". "Are you sure? He looks like it". Finn said calming down. "He won't amor". "Ok" Finn said as he pet blade. Blade purred and stretched his arms out on Finn. "Awww"Finn said. "How many pets do you have Robin" Finn said as he continues petting the black and white cat. "Okay you ready for this?" Robin said taking a deep breath. Finn nodded his head. Robin was always quick with saying stuff so Finn was ready to hear a lot. "I have two cats, Blade and pumpkin, he's orange and white, I have three dogs, Benny rocko and Lucy , Lucy's a golden retriever, Rocko is a boxer and Benny is a pit bull,I have a few fish, they're half dead though. I have a Chameleon named Ivy he's a mix of all colors, I also have a parrot named Guacamole, he's green obviously and last a ferret named Sky."
"Holy shit Robin!" Robin laughed. "Can I see them?"finn asks excitedly, "Not til you eat amor" Robin said as he sat next to Finn. Finn's smile faded and he was quiet. "Please amor, for me?" Finn shook him head slowly.(ROBIN HE JUST WANTS TO SEE A TOUR OF YOUR DAMN ZOO). They walked into the kitchen. Robin picked Finn up and set him on the counter. Finn giggled when he did this. "What do you want amor?" "Can I have soup?" "Of course, love!" Robin said as he gave Finn a grin.(btw this is just coming from me, idk about other people with ED, I struggle with one, so this is usually what I eat, so y'all can be mad ab it idc). Finn was biting and picking at his nails as he watched Robin make the soup. Robin looked over and saw his poor worried face. "Hey Finn, look at me" he pulled Finn chin up so they were looking eye to eye. "It's okay bebé,I'm here, I'll always be there for you!" Robin grinned. That made Finn not so as tense as he was earlier. The soup was done. Robin grabbed two bowls and put the soup in them, spilling it on the floor. "Ah merida" (shit) "it's ok I can get it" Finn says as he grabbed a paper towel and jumped off the counter. "No no, get back on the counter, Lucy can clean it up, she loves soup! Especially my moms homemade soup. I've tried to make it but it's not the same if she doesn't make it, y'know, basic mom teaching."Finn went quiet. "I don't have a mom" Finn said kinda giggling "oh shit, I'm sorry!" Robin said. "It's okay"(IM SORRY OK)
"LUCY!" Robin yelled. Seconds later I heard nails hitting the ground. It was a big, tan, panting fur ball. Finn thought to himself. Lucy went right past the spilled soup and looked at Finn closely. "She's half blind, found her on the streets, she was hit by a car." Robin said looking down at Lucy with a smile. "Aw, poor baby" Finn said petting the dog's head that just put her two front paws on the counter next to Finn. Robin showed Lucy the spot where he spilled the soup. Lucy looked up at him and starts licking it off the ground. Robin pets her back before putting the soup bowls on the table and picks finney up and puts him on the kitchen chair. Finn blushed at this. Robin sat right beside him. He starred at the soup. He took a little spoonful of it and ate it. "Holy shit! This is amazing Robin!" He continued to eat it with all his worries go away. "Thanks finney, it would be better if my mom made it! But thank you! That means a lot.
It was so good to see Finn eating. He said it was really good and kept complementing me but I couldn't help but ignore it and look at his pretty face. "Can we go see them now?" Finn asks which broke robin's sight of Finn's beautiful face. "Yup, I'll put these bowls in the sink" I said excited for Finn to meet all of them. "Who do you want to meet first?" "The dogs! I already met Lucy but I love her!" "Anything you say amor" we headed to my backyard and I called them out, three of them came out, first Rocko, Second Benny, Thrid Lucy

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