Chapter 1

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There, they stood again.

In the mist stood a tall figure. Crimson Red piercing eyes staring into my soul. Through my bedroom window, I felt I had known this being.

Understanding that danger was adept, I still escaped through the window towards them.

I loved the smell that surrounded the place whenever this person was around.

Cinnamon with a hint of vanilla.

Oh, how I would love to be wrapped in it. As I got closer, I could feel them becoming more hesitant but stood still watching me.

I Promise I never do things like this, walking towards a stranger in the middle of the night, But seeing this being in my backyard for 6 full moons since my 17th birthday, I became more curious of who they were.

Being outside this long was nerve-racking and new to me. My parents would always be on me for being outside for more than a minute.

I stood in front of him with no fear in my heart weirdly, knowing he would never harm me. He raised his hand to caress my cheek.

Who is this person? Why am I so pulled to them? Could this be love at first sight?

My thoughts got silenced by my mother yelling my name. "Axel, where are you?"

I look up at the being to see him staring down at me as if I should choose what happens next. I grabbed them by the hand and ran into the forest behind my house.

My heart started to beat so loud I couldn't hear a thing, but that. I ran till I saw the abandoned tree house my dad built for me as a child. I push them towards the stairs and watch them climb up into the tree house.

I looked around before climbing in myself. I crawl towards the far left corner beside them. We sat still till my mom's yelling left the area. I glance to the side to see them staring at me.

"What is your name?" I ask " ILO" in a deep but calming voice. My breath got caught in my throat for a moment due to the beauty of his voice. I quickly gathered myself. "I'm Axel," I said.

Being my bold self, I asked, "Why do you come to my house every full moon?" He smiled then said,"A lovely scent drew me there. " With a confused look, I asked, "What scent?"

"Its lavender mixed with a splash of orange," he replied.

My eyes widen as those are the scents my parents say I give off. Feeling my cheeks become warm with the thought of my scent attracting such a majestic being. We sat in comfortable silence.

I started to feel chilly, and then suddenly, warmth took over my body. I relaxed into the warmth without realizing where it came from. Looking down and realizing that I was in his lap and wrapped in his arms didn't even phase me.

I don't know if it was being in his arms, but I felt like I was met to be exactly within them. Seems like hours passed before my stomach began to growl.

Not moving due to embarrassment. "You should go home," he said, concerned. I look up to see him staring out the door.


"Your parents fear for your safety." He replied. Confused as to how he knows this, but I dismiss it and get up to leave. I was suddenly pulled down by him. Only to hear footsteps and talking below us.

"Are you sure it wouldn't have escaped around here?" A rough sergeant like voice said. "No sir, this was the first place we checked."


Please let me know your suggestions. Remember, be kind and to treat others how you would like to be treated. Thank you. 👍

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