Sink 2

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After she finsh shitting she rub ur stomach "fuck that was a lot of shit" she get down and see the sink full of her diarrhea and her roommate laugh and she look" u think thats funny" she goes to her roommate on the toilet and sit on her and move around with ur poopie ass and her roommate gasp"omg get off!" She press down on her stomach and groan loud and a loud wet fart comes out"u think it still funny?"her roommate shake her head"no now get off" and smile and thinks"no i just one more push for you" her stomach growls loud and she rub it"its going to be a big one" her roommate try to move but i hold her down and i push and a for about 20sec diarrhea shoots out of me and a loud fart too and i moan" im all empty now i clean myself and i get up and my roommate lookss"im going to get u back for this,just wait"

To be continued?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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