Stay With Me

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This is for Allison cause I did make her cry so here, you can have some fluff ig

Ben's POV:

I walked down the street. It was fairly cold and I couldn't sleep that night. I had a long shirt on with some baggy pants and my signature bandana on. I didn't know what I was doing. I missed Darius mostly, but of course I missed the others. Darius was just...I don't know. I picked my phone up and sat down on a bench.

Imnotgay: You awake?

Dinonerd: Yeah couldn't sleep.

Imnotgay: me neither, do you mind if I go over to your house?

Dinonerd: Yeah, I'll meet you at the bus stop.

I smiled at my phone screen. I turned my phone off to see my now red face from the screen reflection. I panicked and covered my face while walking onto the crowded bus. I hated being in crowded spaces, but Darius was an acception. I stumbled off the bus and looked for Darius. Before I could do anything he launched himself at me and hugged me.

"Hey Dino Nerd!" I said excitedly, I hugged him back tightly, I heard him giggle slightly making my face go red and my stomach churn. He pulled out of the hug, and I saw his wide smile smeared on his face. I smiled and chuckled a little before following him back to his house.

"How is school?" He asked, I thought for a bit. I didn't have much friends but no one actually messed with me anymore since I did survive an island filled with dinosaurs.

"It's not that bad, I really like my Science teacher." I added the last bit, he nodded slowly indicating that he was listening to my words.

"What about you?" I asked, I saw a smile apear on his face which was a good sign.

"I have some friends, but you know the usual." He responded, why did he seem so happy? I mentally shrugged and continued to look at him. He entangled our hands making my pale face turn a bright pink. I immediately looked away as we arrived at his house.

"Now, be quiet my mom is sleeping." He made sure to say, I nodded as we entered the house. He quietly closed the door behind us and grabbed my hand to lead us to his bedroom. My stomach had butterflies feeling his soft skin touching mine. He closed the door and sat down on the bed.

"What do you wanna do?" He asked amused, I couldn't help but smile at the younger boy in front of me. He was so cute like this. I sat next to him and held his hand.

"Don't know, maybe we could try and sleep." I nudged him, he rolled his eyes.

"Boring." He complained but got up still smiling widely at me. He grabbed a blanket and a pillow.

"Are you sure you wanna sleep on the floor?" He asked putting the pillow and blanket down.

"Yeah, I'll be fine we all slept in worse conditions." He giggled and nodded I'm agreement. I sat down on the floor and slowly took my bandana off. I didn't wanna risk it getting damaged, I gently put it on the floor and layed down on the carpet.

"Goodnight Island boy." I didn't even correct him, I just smiled to myself.

"Night Dino Nerd." I responded, I heard him laugh slightly again and then turn the light off. I slowly driffed off into a sleep. The floor was more comfortable than I thought, or maybe I was just comfortable around Darius in general.

I woke up to russling from above me and a faint voice calling my name.

"Ben...?" I heard the person say, I sat up rubbing my eyes. Darius was sitting up in his bed and looked worried. My eyes furrowed looking at him.

"What's wrong?" I nervously asked, he sighed and layed back down with a groan.

"Nightmares." He bluntly said, I reached to grab his hand that was tangling from the bed. I gently grabbed it. He squeezed my hand tightly not wanting to let go. I smiled and was about to lay back down when he said something.

"Hey Ben?" He asked quietly. I hummed in a response.

"Can you um...stay with me?" He stumbled over his words. My face went warm as I heard those words.

"Of course." I responded trying not to sound as excited as I was. I stood up slowly. Darius lifted the covers, I layed down next to him. He covered both of us up. I smiled at his face, we made some eye contact for a while before I entangled our hands together again.

"Goodnight Dino Nerd." I eventually said, he smiled and turned around probably trying to hide his face.

Darius' POV:

I turned around trying to hide my warm face from Ben. My stomach churned thinking about him. I driffed off to sleep, but it didn't last very long.

I woke up a bit frightened, I moved my hand to try and find Ben's. I heard him yawn and rap his arms around my torso. I turned around, he smiled at me tiredly. I smiled back. He pulled me closer to imprint a kiss on my forehead then pulled me into a hug. I rested my head on his arm. Ben was amazing, and I felt so safe with him. I drifted off to sleep as well in Ben's arms. If I was completely honest I did love him.

DON'T get used to this I just felt bad okay?🙄 Also I made all of this on the car ride home which was like 30 minutes so sorry if it's bad-

Word Count: 958

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