16 - 𝘙𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘱

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"Really? Then, let me go home" you demanded.

The wizard decline your request and laugh at your pathetic form. "I quite enjoy your suffering, dear"

You grit your teeths, "You enjoy watching such lewd scenery?! Especially sexual assaults?!"

"Well, indeed, haven't i said it once?" The young wizard stated, his sharp gaze piercing deeply through your soul, like a predator staring at its prey, before munching them down to bones.

You parted your lips, yet no words were heard nor went out your lips. Only silence.

"You're the worst sorcerer.." You whispered, knowing the wizard boy can hear you clearly.

"Excuse you, i have over 20 trophies in my closet, and over 50 golden medals i have earned since i went to my academy." You hear his teeth grit, you smirked.

"Yet, you couldn't return me back to my universe, how pathetic could you be?"

You hear him gulp down the lump in his throat, visible sweats of beads rolled down his forehead.

"Pfft, such a pathetic wizard. I bet newbies could even learn how to return someone back to their universe"

You see him clench his hand, "A weak wizard, will always be a weak wizard" you muttered into his ear.

The last straw broke.

"It's time for you to return..." Your eyes lit up,

"To your destined death." He grins ear to ear, revealing spike teeths in his gums.

That face was all you saw after blacking out.


Beads of sweats flowed through your entire body, your entire body quivering every now and then, it worried Poseidon very much however, the problem was your eyes were shut.

He called four doctors, all the same species. Siren. "Your Highness, she is having a lucid dream, we have been repeating it over and over. She is... Perfectly fine. " one of the doctors said, muttering out the last words as if they were hesitating to say it.

Your eyes widened before you sat on the bed, your chest heaving up and down as you attempt to catch your breath.

"I thought i was going to lose you.." Poseidon silently mutters, holding you in his embrace before sniffing your scent.

He always believe you have the best scent, unlike any other smells he smelled, yours was definitely the best for him.

"Okay, okay.. Leave me alone now." You pushed him away from you, which left him flat on the ground.

"You're so mean, love" he pouted before standing up and brushes away the dust in his bum.

'Don't call me love.' You glared at him as he smiled gently at you.

Despite of the sweet, innocent smile he just shot at you, it doesn't mean that you will forgive him for his actions.

"I'll leave now, [y/n]." He walked through the door after waving good bye at you.

You stayed silent for a couple of seconds, then began to scowl at the doctors.

"Leave! Shouldn't you be going along with your king?" They hastily left with their equipments.

The silence filled the entire room. It was complete silence, there was no noises in your room, just peace.

Unbeknownst to you, a certain chinese stared at your figure which rested on the queen sized bed with your hand holding a book as the other was scooping handfuls of junkfood.

"There's my sweet empress.. How much i have missed her. She became more beautiful now.."

𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨┆𝙍𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙍𝙖𝙜𝙣𝙖𝙧𝙤𝙠Where stories live. Discover now