chapter 2 • he's probably in love with donna anyways

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finney finished placing his books in their mentally designated spots, and shut the small door.

he almost jumped back when he realized that there was someone beside him.

"can i help you?" finney asked.

the sweet and apologetic demeanor he once had was gone.

"probably not. but you can try!" cherry grinned. "what's your name? finn?"

"what?" finney grew more and more confused.

cherry tugged her backpack off, and began to dig through it.

she yanked out her pink t-shirt, and shoved it into finney's hands.

he looked up, hands clutching the fabric.

"what am i supposed to do with this?" finney questioned, with a frown.

everybody who could see them, was whispering.

finney began to stare at the floor, like he always did.

he was desperate to not make eye contact with people he knew were spreading rumors.

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐔𝐌, finney blakeWhere stories live. Discover now