Creeper aww man

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They both went back to dreams room George asked if this meant they were dating? Dream said sure. George was blushing so hard and Dream could see that and just by seeing George blush so much made him blush a little all Dream wanted was to make George happy.

"Uh dream" said George "yeah?" Asked dream "How am I going to get rid of these hickeys I can't stream with these people will notice and the hoodie isn't really good at hiding them" said George "you barely stream anyway why does it matter?" Responded dream to George "I wanted to stream today so I can say that we met" George saying to dream "it's okay George uhh I could ask sapnap?" Dream suggested "Noo I don't really want him to know that we uhh you know" whined George "he already knows George it's going to be okay" told Dream to George "okay then" George agreed

Dream and George awkwardly walk up to sapnaps room and knock on the door "yeah?" Asked sapnap from his room "can we come in?" Dream asked "sure" sapnap responded Dream said "hey sapnap uhh how do you get rid of hickeys?" Dream showed sapnap George's hickeys on his neck "See I told y'all I knew you guys were fucking" sapnap said "see no need to be scared George he already knew like I told you" Dream told George, George said "but this was my first time you can understand why I was nervous!" "Anyway so you just need ice and put it on the hickey" sapnap told Dream and George "okay thanks sapnap" Dream told sapnap.

They did what sapnap told them to and it worked! George said "thank god! Now I can stream!" But before they started streaming Dream George and Sapnap made a quick video showing Dreams face the fans loved it and dream. George signed into his twitch on dreams computer. They streamed for a while just answering questions then at the end of the stream Dream and George kissed!

Dream x George Smut pls if ur from my school don't read this Where stories live. Discover now