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Beomgyu was on his phone, texting his boyfriend who lived just 4 blocks from him.

you know
i would very much want to see cherry blossoms just rain from the sky
wouldn't that be cool 🤔

Yes and we could see them together :0

of course ☺️

Do you think you're free tomorrow?
I'd like to see you..

ill be a bit busy
but ill always have time for you

That is why i love you ❤️

hey you tired at all?
it's 1am

Nope! Talking to you makes me feel quite energized

heh same
im not tired at all
buuuut you know we havent been sleeping much lately
we need that energy for tmr yk 💪

Awe oke
Let's try to get some sleep then

goodnight love ❤️

Sweet dreamss
I love youu 💕

i love you too ❤️

Nighty night my love


You know
Maybe tomorrow i'll even make you some of my yummy noodles i created!

oh yeah?
whats in it?

Dunno if you'll find this gross but
That shin ramen with the milk buut with cream cheese inside
I randomly made it up

that sounds interesting
hey you just drifted the conversation so we didnt have to sleep right away

🥲 fine fine let's go to sleep
Goodnight again ❤️

goodnight ❤️
see you tomorrow

Finally, Beomgyu put his phone down on his nightstand, closing his eyes to go straight to sleep. He finally fell asleep a couple minutes later, ready to drift off to dreamland.

The dream ✨

Beomgyu opened his eyes to see his phone screen. 'I must've fallen asleep for a second..' he thought. He was texting Taehyun and the last message he saw from him was 'are you still awake?'

Before he could reply, his screen lit up and a bright light was coming straight at him. He couldn't see for a second, but the moment he opened his eyes, he saw Taehyun standing right in front of him.

"Taehyun?" Beomgyu said. Taehyun just had his mouth a gape, shocked from whatever was happening.

"Beomgyu. Where are we?" He questioned. Beomgyu just shrugged.

"How would I know?" They look to their right and see a bunch of circuits and stuff. It seemed as if they were inside the messaging app they were just on. "Taehyunie, do you think that maybe we got teleported or something into our phones?"

"Hmm.. most possible explanation- wait that isn't possible." Taehyun stated. "Oh my, did my wish come true??" He asked himself.


"I wished I could talk to you face to face instead of it being on the phone." He stated plainly.

"Oh- well that makes sense." Beomgyu shrugged. "So how do we get out of here?" He asked.

"I mean, maybe until we need to leave? I'd like to do a few things with you first." Taehyun smirked.

"Ehh??" Beomgyu smiled. "Like what?"

"Like~ thiss!" Taehyun hugged Beomgyu tightly in his arms. "And this!" He then gave Beomgyu a ton of kisses all over his face.

Giggling, Beomgyu returned the kisses and stopped at their lips. He then moved in and they had a long slow kiss. No tongue involved.

They separated with their cheeks hot from blushing, smiling and giggling from the excitement.

"Wanna try seeing if there's anything else in this world?" Beomgyu asked.

"Yeah sure. But all I see is technology shit."

"Hmm.. this way!" Beomgyu leads Taehyun to a random side of the mysterious world. Suddenly, it was like nature was on their side.

Cherry blossoms were falling from the sky, just like how they were once talking about it in the real world by text.

"Holy, wish we can see this everyday." Taehyun says.

"Yeah, same."

They stare up at the sky for a while before walking down the hill covered in blossoms. The world here was so pretty.. that you have to imagine it yourself.

Welp, it was a bit long. They thought of trying to leave.

"So, how do we get out?" Taehyun spoke first.

"Wanna try wishing our way out again?" Beomgyu asked. With that, he tried. They ended up getting out.

Beomgyu quickly texted him to wish them back in. It worked again.

"Oh my, is this a way for us to see each other without having to move?!" He exclaimed. Taehyun giggled at Beomgyu's remarks.

Before anything else could happen, Beomgyu woke up to the sound of his mom's keys jiggling.

"Damn. What a nice dream."

(And that is when I woke up from that dream of me dreaming)

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