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3rd POV

Steven and the crystal gems are exploring an abandoned gem base and they stumble across a room filled with panels.

Steven: Woooow, this place is HUGE!

Amethyst giggles at his giddiness while Garnet just smiles, Pearl on the other hand

Pearl: Steven, please remember not to touch anything that seems dangerous!

The moment she said that a pedestal in the middle of the room is lit up.

Amethyst: Oooooooo, what's that?

Pearl: I don't know, it looks almost ancient?

Garnet goes to inspect the cube like artifact on said pedestal.

Garnet: it's from Era one.

Pearl: Era one? How is this place still standing?!?

While the others where busy discussing the age of the cube, Steven goes an touches said cube and it magnetized to his hand.

Steven: whoa! Uhh, guys I need help I can't get it off my hand!

The others look in his direction all having different reactions.

Pearl: Steven! I told you not to touch anything!

Amethyst just giggles at him struggling to remove the cube from his hand. And Garnet just stays straight faced the entire time.

Steven: wait, it's pulling me somewhere?

Like the little half gem said his arm was being yanked toward the door.

Amethyst: should we follow it?

Garnet: yes.

Pearl looks at her confused.

Pearl: what? It could be leading us to a trap!

Garnet turns to start following the already gone gem hybrid.

Garnet: it won't.

They follow Steven for a few minutes before they come across a wall with a hole in it. Stevens arm then is yanked faster toward the hole and the cube fits perfectly in the wall and Steven's hand is let go.

Steven: hey! I got my hand back!

Pearl sighs in relief, the wall is then lit up showing a pink diamond mural.
All of them gasp in shock (except Garnet) as the wall begins to shake as the cube disappears deeper into the wall.

Amethyst: uhh, is that bad?

Pearl: Steven! Get behind us!

With that Steven hurries over behind the gems as they draw their weapons. The wall then opens slightly revealing that it is actually a door but then stops showing just how old it is.

Steven: oh, I think it broke.

Amethyst: aww, I kinda wanted to see something cool.

Pearl: let's just be glad that it won't hurt us.

Garnet stays silent keeping her guard up unlike the others. This does not go unnoticed by The others.

Pearl: what's wrong. Do you see something?

Steven: it's not like somethings gonna force the door open, that thing must be suuuuuuuuper heavy!

Just as he said that two hands then emerge from the darkness between the two massive doors and grab them.

Amethyst: WHOA! That's not normal!

All of them then put their guard up as the shadowed figure forces the to doors open shaking the entire structure due to the force needed to move such heavy objects.

Steven: whoa, the entire building is shaking!

Pearl: Steven! Run, this place could come down at any time!

Steven then follows her instruction and turns to start running, but then the doors shoot open at a much faster pace than before.

Steven: WHOAAA!

When the dust settles the figure can be seen fully. And to the gems surprise it seemed to be male.

Pearl then lunged forward to attack it but was Blind sighted by it's speed as it dodges to the side and sends a kick to her stomach sending her through the wall

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Pearl then lunged forward to attack it but was Blind sighted by it's speed as it dodges to the side and sends a kick to her stomach sending her through the wall.

Amethyst: Pearl!

She then latches on to it's arm with her whip and tries to swing it away but fails due to underestimating how heavy it is.

Amethyst: huh?

The creature then yanks the whip sending her flying right to it as it then grabs her by her shirt and slams her into the ground shaking the entire room in the process. Garnet then tries her luck by punching it while it's occupied with Amethyst. She does hit it sending it a good few feet back, but what it does next was unexpected. A beam of light shoots out of each eye and scans her gauntlets. After a few milliseconds the light then disappears and the creature goes into a more refined version of Garnet's stance and summons gauntlets of it's own but with spiked knuckles, though no one can see, this makes all three of her eyes go wide. She was too shocked to realize that in the few seconds that have past this thing already had connected it's fist with her face effectively poofing her.
Steven was terrified when it went to shatter her gems, so much that he gave away his hiding spot.


Shockingly the crystal golem freezes in place.

Steven: huh?


First chapter done!
Hope you liked it I haven't decided how often I'll update my stories but I'm thinking about once a week? Again all types o feedback are welcome and see you in the next chapter.

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