Mirrored oceans

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3rd POV

Steven is lying on the couch in the living room of the Beach House, talking on his phone with Connie.

Steven: What...? Why not?

Connie: Steven, I told you, I can't hang out today. I have tennis practice. And then Mom wants to go out for a family dinner. But she said I could hang out all day tomorrow, and I can come over all the time now that it's summer vacation.

Steven flops off the couch dramatically.

Steven: What's summer vacation?

Connie: You know, when school gets out for the summer?

Steven: I've never been to this... How do you say— "school". How does it work?

Connie: It's a place where you go to learn. It's full of desks, chalkboards...

Steven: Hmm.

Connie: Books, maps.

Steven: I see.

Shortly after, Steven begins to assemble a pile of school equipment in the kitchen, with the help of Pearl and Y/N.

Steven: Yep, it's all coming together.

Pearl adds a desk to the pile.

Pearl: So, how do we begin our "school"?

Steven: Ugh... I... I don't know! This is everything Connie told me. Why do I never ask follow-up questions?! Who will teach little Stevie now!?

Y/N: if you need information about this planet and its inhabitants, you only need to ask.

Pearl: Teach you?! Steven! If only I had known that's what you really wanted! Twooooh! Haaaaaah!

Pearl's gem begins to glow, as she summons a mirror from her gem. She begins to explain as the mirror twirls in mid-air.

Pearl: We found this Gem-powered mirror at the Galaxy Warp. It can capture and display any event it's witnessed in all of Gem history.

The mirror lands in Steven's hands.

Pearl: It'll offer you everything you've ever wanted to know about your fellow Gems and our culture.

Steven looks at his reflection in the mirror and smiles.

Steven: I must be incredibly important to Gem culture.

Pearl: It's just you in there. It hasn't even been activated. Show us the Galaxy Warp.

The mirror does nothing.

Pearl: Show - us - the Galaxy Warp. Oh, come on!

She grabs the mirror in frustration. Steven still holding onto the mirror and gets lifted along, but he looses his grip and falls into Y/N's hands, and he just sets Steven on the ground.

Steven: Whoa!

Pearl: I know you've seen it.

She examines the mirror and sighs.

Pearl: It is in pretty rough shape. It must finally be broken. What a shame.

She hands Steven the mirror and he admires himself in the mirror.

Steven: Doesn't seem broken to me!

Pearl: Oh well. I guess that's the end of our school.

Steven: Whoa. Wha... So you could say... School's out for summer?

Pearl: Yes. Good, Steven. There are many ways to say the same thing.

Steven: School's out!

He runs out of the house full of energy, with Y/N following.

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