Chapter Six

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Dipper watched the two vehicles speed off into town as Bill - not quite as large as in Stan's mind - stood up from where he had been thrown before starting his traditional hover three feet off the ground.
"How in the actual 32 Hells and Infinite afterlifes," Bill started in anger, "Did you manage to rip me out of Stan's head AND give me a physical form with less power than I had accumulated?!"
Dipper blinked, not expecting the last part. Before he could react, Dipper heard the porch door slam behind him and Ford and Stan arguing.
"Stan, please we need to run some tests to see the extent of your injuries." Ford was saying.
"Run all the tests you want when that Triangle is freakin' dead!" Stan growled as he rolled up his sleeves and moved to stand by Dipper, "We've got a score to settle first."
Stan's clenched fists then ignited with yellow energy similar to Dipper's from earlier, fire enveloping the right hand and lightning arcing off the left.
"No..." Bill started, unable to hide the fear in his voice.
"Bill, not that I want to tell you how to be evil better," Dipper started as his fists ignited with blue energy similarly to Stan's, "But you really need to learn how to siphon off your power when you possess people."
"Then again," Stan continued, "Maybe this'll teach you not to mess with anyone ever again - let alone the Pines family."
"Oh, you two wanna play?" Bill asked as he started growing in size, literal fire in his eye, "Then let's PLaY!"
Bill's entire form was then surrounded by a green-lit Cipher Wheel with unfamiliar glyphs, and his eye lit up the same shade of green before blasting a beam towards the Shack. Dipper and Stan both began blasting lines of flame at the beam, stopping the energy in the air. The shockwave of the three blasts colliding was enough to rattle windows on the other edge of town, and shatter several in the Shack.
Bill stopped the beam, then waved his hands before the wheel turned around him.
"You really wanna play with powers you can't comprehend?!" Bill asked as he lifted his hands and his eye lit up with a swirling green pattern, "Behold the horrors of Earth C-137!!"
A large circle of swirling green energy matching Bill's eye appeared and expanded on the ground between the two sides of the battle. As they all watched, a discolored & clawed hand came through the circle making it ripple like water. The hand reached into the air, grabbing for anything tangible, before getting a hold of the ground around the circle and beginning to pull the attached body through. What Dipper could only describe later as a horrific hybrid between human and insect came through the portal, followed by ten more of the creatures - and counting.
Dipper and Stan began blasting the creatures with fireballs and lightning strikes, as well as super-strength punches when they got too close, as Bill maniacally laughed in his Wheel several stories above the portal.
"You boys wanna play with fire?!" Bill asked, "You little wriggling bipedal beings who've barely crawled out of your primordial swamp?! You think you can step to a gOd?!"
Before Dipper or Stan could reply, a neon green blast came from behind them and impacted at the center of the portal. The portal closed, pulling back every creature trying to crawl out of it, and even a few that had just barely made it out.
Everyone turned to see Ford on the porch holding a silver, gun-shaped device with a small neon-green crystallized substance in a vial protruding from the top.
"Never thought I'd need this," Ford admitted, "But glad I kept it nonetheless."
"Which Council gave you that?!" Bill shrieked.
"You know which one." Ford replied with a sneer.
"Well then, I'm gonna need this back." Bill said before making the wheel disappear and extending his right arm to grab Stan.
Bill's fingers extended further from his hand like tentacles, and each fingertip latched on like a leach. Stan began to grunt then cry out as pulses of yellow light were pulled from his body into Bill's grip. Just as Dipper started running to grab at Stan, Bill dropped him like a sack of potatoes and began to grow to a much larger size.
As Wendy and Mabel pulled back into the Shack's driveway, Mabel bolted from the golf-cart to help Soos get Stan to his feet while Ford was warming up another shot with his portal gun.
"Well I can't have just one," Bill started as he extended his fingers again, "I gotta complete the set!"
Even with his superspeed, Dipper couldn't have stopped what happened next. A bright blue light began to surround Dipper as everything around him suddenly stopped - Bill midair extending claw-like fingers, Soos getting Stan in the Shack, Ford aiming his portal gun directly at Bill, Wendy and Mabel midrun for the cart and truck, a stream of leaves floating midair on a gust of wind.
After shielding his eyes from the light, and feeling heat flare around him for a second, Dipper blinked a few times and found himself standing in a room that he couldn't have even begun to describe had he not been brought there. Dipper stood in the center of a room in front of a half circle of seven people wearing dark blue robes and familiar trucker hats sitting in ornate chairs a few feet above him. Behind him, a few guards - which looked like Manotaurs with some kind of restraint collars on their necks, stood in front of an entry way. Around the room were other people that looked vaguely like Dipper himself, and a plethora more in bleacher style seating that loomed over the chambers as if this was a spectator's sport.
Before Dipper could take anything else in, another flash of bluish-white light went off in front of him, leaving behind a familiar heavyset figure in a jumpsuit.
"B-B-Behold, Council," The figure began as he adjusted his goggles, "I-I-I bring you the accused."
"Dipper Pines of Earth 1218," A voice rang from the center chair that sounded similar to Dipper's own voice, "You have merged with the power of Bill Cipher. You have allowed others within your universe to be possessed by Bill Cipher on numerous occassions. You stand before this Council accused of tampering with multiversal-reality, and harboring the entity of Bill Cipher within your universe. How do you plead?"
"Uh, hi, I have a few quick questions first." Dipper started as he held up his hand and realized he had some sort of handcuffs on, "One: why is Blendin of all people bringing me to you? Two: who even are you guys? Three: how are Bill's actions of targeting my universe my fault?"
The Council member that had been speaking stood, showing a bright blue pinetree shape in the front of the robe, as well as the same shape on the front of the hat they all shared.
"We are the Pinetree Council." The Member began to answer, "I am the current Head of Council, Dipper Pines of Earth C-132. Blendin has been acting as liaison to your universe for us as you were preoccupied being Cipher's puppet. You are at fault for everything within your universe Bill has done since the 'Sock Opera Incident' as you have named it."
"How is it my fault that an interdimensional Dorito-shaped demon decided to target my universe after my uncle introduced him to it?!" Dipper asked idignantly.
"Because you didn't stop him," Head of Council replied, "You only ticked him off."
"Then let me make it right." Dipper began, "I can beat him, I can take him on and end his shadow of terror over you guys if you just give me the chance."
"THERE ARE NO CHANCES WITH BILL!!" Another Dipper shouted from the right side of the chamber.
Everyone turned as this Dipper stepped forward. He was alarmingly thin, had patchy stubble growing over a weathered and sagging face, his Pinetree hat had patches and stitches over it, his clothing was ragged and fraying at the cuffs, he had a half-burned bomber's hat hanging from his belt, a satchel slung over his shoulder with what looked like photo albums in it, and he wore a pair of very scuffed and ashen covered hiking boots.
"I'm from a world that Bill smashed through on the way to another." The Ragged Dipper began, "It had a number, it had people, now it's nothing but ash and rock floating through a fabric of space that's folding in on itself. He never gloated that he had invaded, he never even tried to negotiate a puppet or a portal, he simply smashed through my universe - my Earth to get to yours."
"B-B-Bill is obsessed with your world, Dipper 1218." Blendin began, "Though we are n-n-not entirely sure why. W-W-We... I-I-I had hoped you would be able to help us figure that out."
"By arresting me?!" Dipper asked incredulously as he lifted his handcuffs with outstretched hands.
"There was no other way to pull you out of the moment of losing your life to Cipher." Head of Council replied flatly before the room went deafeningly quiet.
Dipper took a deep breath before responding.
"I'm not afraid to die," He began as he looked up at Head of Council, "If it means that Bill is off the board for good. But I can't even make that call if I'm here instead of protecting my people."
For a moment, no one made a sound or a move.
"Head of Council," one of the other Council members began with a bit of a lower timber in their voice, "We need to put it to a vote."
"No...we don't." Head of Council replied before speaking to Dipper, "I am giving you only one more chance. Do not let my generosity to be in vain."
Head of Council then lifted his right arm and presented a large, silver gauntlet of what looked like plate-mail.
"I won't let you down." Dipper replied before looking at Ragged Dipper, "I won't let any of you down."
Head of Council made a fist and the gauntlet began glowing blue before a blast of energy was launched at Dipper and everything went white again. As the light faded, Dipper became aware that he had a few precious seconds to react before being in the exact moment he left - Bill reaching a claw out to drain Dipper's power, Soos hefting Stan to his feet, Ford aiming his portal gun directly at Bill, Mabel and Wendy running for the vehicles.
With every ounce of strength and willpower Dipper could find within himself, Dipper aimed a blast of energy at Bill's eye. With a thunderous clap, a blast of pale blue - almost white - energy energy shot from Dipper's extended right palm and connected with Bill's extended pupil knocking the demon back as his arms lifted to block the shot while time moved back up to normal speed.
"AH, MY EYE!" Bill shouted, "MY ONLY EYE!"
"You can call yourself a god all you want Bill," Dipper started as his fists lit up with blue fire with lightning crackling down his arms and legs as well as small sparks and flames whirling through his hair while the wind built up in force around him, "But it begs the question: 'what's a god to non-believer?'"
Before Bill could respond, Dipper began running full speed at the demon, firing shots of energy every few steps before stomping one foot and blasting up to Bill's eye-level. As he came into Bill's direct view, Dipper's hair ignited with blue flames and his eyes lit up blue energy.
"You can thank my sister for this next trick, Bill." Dipper said as he pulled his arms to the side, as if protecting a football and began to shout, "KAAH!"
For a brief moment, Dipper heard Soos shouting, "YEAH, DO THE THING DUDE!!"
A guttural cry began to build in Dipper's throat as he funneled a huge blast of energy into a shot building up between both of his palms.
"MAAAAY!" Dipper began to shout as Bill began to step his gargantuan form back, "HAAAA! MAAAAAAY! HAAAAAAAAA!!!"
With the final syllable of the cry, Dipper let loose not only a broad stream of white-hot energy, but a volley of pale blue lightning strikes and flaming blasts of blue energy as well - all aimed directly at the monstrous eye in front of him.
Bill began to soar backwards through the air, crashing through trees as the force of the energy knocked him back and the energy itself stunned him into submission. Finally, the trees gave way to the cliff where Dipper & Mabel had faced off against Gideon's giant robot, and Bill careened over the edge as the energy continued to crackle through his form.
Dipper poured on the speed as flew to the cliff, then landed gently to walk slowly to the edge and inspect what may have happened. As he did, a yellowish-green bolt of lightning suddenly screamed towards the sky from below the cliff, and a sly chuckle began to build from below the cliff, growing louder as Dipper stepped closer.
Suddenly, Bill's form rose from over the cliff and continued to laugh as he raised his clenched fists. Without any gloating, or any other laughter, Bill deposited what he held onto the cliff; one hand held a very twisted and battered version of the truck with Mabel still inside but alive, the other held a barely recognizable Mystery Shack cart and an unconscious Wendy.
Dipper ran to both vehicles, firing a blast of energy at the passenger side door of the truck to blast it off and lifting himself into the air to help Mabel out. Before he could reach in, she was already half out and telling him to check on Wendy. As Dipper approached what was left of the cart and lifted Wendy up from the ground, his memory began to replay the dream like an overlay of what was happening around him.
Dipper clutched Wendy's lifeless body to himself, trying to find any sign of life in her face as the red skies thundered around them; her face was pale, eyes wide open, blood dripped from the edge of her mouth, her neck bruised and bent at a wrong angle, the three wounds in her torso had soaked her flannel shirt with blood. Dipper looked up, tears streaming down his face, to see Bill laughing again.
"You'll pay for this you son of a--!" Dipper shouted before the demon cut him off.
"Woah, easy on the language, Pinetree!" Bill remarked, "We're only based on a kids' show."
Dipper set Wendy's body down in the grass, stood up and looked Bill dead in the eye.
"Bring her back right now." Dipper demanded quietly.
"Or what, kid?" Bill chuckled.
Dipper clenched his hands into fists and they ignited with a white-hot fire that sparked off pale-blue lightning bolts up his arms.
"We already know that your deal with me all those years ago left a bit more behind than a few injuries," Dipper announced as he stepped forward, "But now, I'm going to kill you with it."
Before Bill could react, Dipper poured on the speed and ran forward to the edge of the cliff - and kept running on the air between himself and Bill. With each step, the blue fire dancing along Dipper's knuckles grew brighter and hotter. Lightning began to spark and etch along his body, and his hair and eyes went from blue to white. Dipper used a sudden gust of air to help propel a jump and aim his punch straight at Bill's eye.
Just as Bill began to react and Dipper's burning fist connected with Bill's eye, Dipper felt a sudden connection with his power and Bill's. Without any hesitation, Dipper pulled on the seemingly infinite well of power that was suddenly available to him, and continued into Bill's eye as pure energy enveloped him.
As both of them began to scream, Dipper briefly remembered the Ragged Dipper from the Council chambers.
"I'm ending you Bill!" Dipper called out in a voice that he hoped could be heard across the multiverse, "Not just to protect my universe, but to protect them all, and to avenge the ones you've taken!"
As Bill continued to scream, Dipper released all his energy in a bomb-like blast within Bill's form. White & pale-blue energy began to blast from Bill's eye, and began to crack through his form, until there was no other way to hold it all in. With the sound that others would later equate to a nuclear bomb, Bill's screams were silenced as he shattered with no time for any deal with powers-that-be to return in any form.
Dipper was left midair, still emanating power like a battery cooling down after a science experiment. He quickly flew over to the cliff, and landed next to Mabel and Wendy's body as the others from the Shack were just making their way past the tree line.
"C'mon, Wendy," Dipper started as he began attempting CPR, "I need to tell you I'm in love with you again, like when we fought the shapeshifter. C'mon, you're not giving up on us because I'm not giving up on you."
"Dipper..." Mabel spoke his name calmly.
"She's not gone Mabel," Dipper replied quickly without looking up, "I won't let her leave without at least a goodbye."
Dipper began mouth-to-mouth resuscitation as he continued the compressions on Wendy's chest. As Dipper moved his mouth to Wendy's again, he felt the last of Bill's power leave him at the same time he felt Wendy slowly begin to kiss him back. He couldn't help but let a few tears of joy fall as he pulled her into a hug and deepened the kiss in response.
He moved one hand down to her abdomen and felt the wounds closing, as well as her neck slowly moving back to its proper line in the other hand. The two briefly pulled apart as they caught their breath.
"This is what happens when you don't tell me stuff, Mason." Wendy croaked, a joking tone but the use of his real name showing the seriousness behind it.
Dipper couldn't help but laugh as he held her tighter and the two were soon joined by Mabel and Soos.
After a few moments, the group helped Wendy to her feet and they all began to walk back to the Shack as sirens started ringing in town.

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