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Jhene POV
I feel guilty for rejecting him but I have august to think about (jhene and august are dating)
August POV
I miss Jhene we haven't seen each other for months (they got into a big argruement ) I forget what it was about any ways I miss her though
Jhene POV
Oh wait I got mad at August cause he was textin the hoe that was at the strip club but now I miss him I forgive him
Miyaji POV
(Miyaji is Jhenes brother)its ok sis don't think bout him he doesn't deserve you after what he did
J:but I love him he sexy and fire he zaddy we loved each other so much we almost had a baby though
M:forget that he missed the chance he had but I will let you get back with him if you really want to

Tell me what I should do in my next book or chapter

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2015 ⏰

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