How About Forever

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I haven't seen the Cullen's for three days. The day after Jasper and I talked, they went feeding, and the two days after that, it's been unusually sunny.
Today it's raining, so all of them should be at school, with vibrant golden eyes. Standing at my bus stop this morning was annoying, as it is every rainy day. The stares from Bernadette were the same as every morning but I've gotten better at ignoring her states. The bus pulled up to school, just like every morning, but when I walked off the bus, I was met with Jasper's tense smile. That's right, my life isn't going to be that simple any more. I have an immortal lover, one who will protect me from the world, as I protect him from himself.
"Xanthia?" He questions and I hum, looking over to him with the umbrella over our heads.
"I never formally asked you to be mine." He says making a slow grin spread across my face.
"Xanthia Robertson. Will you be my mate?" He asks and I chuckle and nod.
"Of course I will." I nod.
"Then, this is yours." He smiles to me and I crinkle my eyebrows, taking the small jewelry case from him.
"What's this?..." I mumble as he takes the umbrella from me so I can open the case. Opening it, I smile a little at the heart shaped locket necklace. On the inside had a design I'd never seen before and a date, the day we met officially. "That's the crest of the Cullen Coven, everyone in the family has one and I thought it only proper that you had one yourself." He nods, making me smile more and hug him tightly, leaving no room for anything to come between us. He chuckles in my ear, making me hug him even tighter.
"Here, I'll put it on you." He smiles and I take the umbrella and pas him the case but I don't want to let go due to how red my face is, making him chuckle again. He clasps it and I feel the cool gold against my skin and I take a deep breath. "I never want this to end." I mumble, imagining staying young forever so I can stay with him.
"I don't ever want to let you go." I admit, though how stupid I must sound, desperate even.
"...There is a way we'd never have to say good bye." He whispers delicately, holding me and I take a deep, shaking breath. It's true, I have thought of it, but I'm scared of saying good bye to what I've known all my life. To let go of my humanity. It's terrifying.
"It's okay to be afraid... It's also okay to say no." He says and I pull away and look up to his sorrowful smile.
"W-What'll happen if I don't..."
"Then when it is your time to go, I will follow." He says, the sorrowful smile never leaving his face. I get even more choked up as tears come to my eyes and I go up on my tip toes, holding his face with one hand and clutching onto the umbrella with the other. I press my lips to his cold ones in fifteen small pecks. "I-I'm going to do it. I'm going to stay with you until forever ends so please... Don't smile like that again." I choke out as he holds me closely.
"I love you Xanthia."
"I love you Jasper."
Ah. So this is what true love is. If it's with Jasper... I think I can let go of everything else. If he'll wait for me, I'll hurry up so I can be strong and worthy enough for him to love me.
I won't mess this one up.

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