3 sick girls? - Gabby

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Gabby's pov

Taylor came in and woke me up "Gabby sweetheart time to get up and get ready to go to school" she says "hey tay can you come here please" Karlie says poping her head in the door Taylor left "TEFFY" I scream out in pain she came running in along with karlie "Gabby baby what happened what hurts princess" Tay asked me "my tummy " I wail she laid me down and Karlie grabbed my hands. "NOOO" I scream as teffy pulled my shirt up and started pressing on my tummy "OUCHIE" I scream crying like crazy "it's ok all done" she says and picks me up and I sob into her neck "looks like all three of them are sick Tay we should bring them to the office" says karlie. They put luna trixie and I in the car "OW" I squeal as another wave of pain hit me hard. "Oh baby does it hurt that much" teffy asked me and I just sat there crying my eyes out from the pain. Teffy carried me into the office and into a room as Karlie carried the twins. Teffy sat me in her lap and my uncle Brandon came in"ok love bug I'm going to take a little blood" he said and I tried to run but Brandon picked me up sitting me on my sister's lap and she put one of my arms behind her back and my legs were both between hers "NOOOOO PLEASE DON'T HURT" I scream moving around. Karlie grabbed my arm and tried to distract me "hey honey want to go and get a toy after?" Karlie asks and I feel a painful pinch and I was not happy I scream out in pain and started hyperventilating "hey babygirl your ok shh I need you to calm down and breathe and relax" teffy says I quickly calm down and he took it out soon after and put a bandaid and left for a few minutes "ok baby you have a stomach bug" Brandon said teffy picked me up and laid me down and held my hands tight and Karlie grabbed my legs. "Ok honey this will only hurt a little" he said "sissy" I bawl panicking "shh princess it's ok" she says I let out a loud scream and wiggle around trying to get the needle out of my tummy and bawled and screamed the whole time till he pulls it out and teffy picked me up I dug my head in her shoulder and bawled "n n n no m m more I cry " all done baby" teffy says rocking me gently.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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