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....Your brother probably gonna kill you Gyeong  said Sarcastically. Hana gasped and covered  her mouth He Wouldn't kill his favorite and only little sister. right..?
Well What am I am going to do now.
He probably worried sick for me Hana says dramatically Falling backwards on her couch in her and Gyeong Shared apartment. Gyeong just rolled her eyes arm crossed. Oh I don't no maybe just visit him Gyeong mumbles. Oh I no I just visit him and He will be so happy when I get home Hana declared with a smile on  and hands on her hips feeling proud and accomplished. Bitc-

Well What are you waiting for don't just stand their let start packing Hana said to Gyeong who was getting her and Gyeong suitcase from the closet. Gyeong who was looking down at the petite small girl with a confused look on her face. What do you mean we she said confused? We're going to Japan Bitch Hana said proudly. Gyeong who was processing all the information and events that happened in that last hour when she finally registered what Hana meant she had a shocked look on her face ....What?!?

Hana gave her a wide smile. What you always wanted to visit my home town so why not go today we have the money said Hana walking up to her. But But what about your career your an idol remember how will the fans react said Gyeong worriedly.Hana gave her a small smile and  walked up to her and reached up for her hands.Gyeong look down at her and had a faint blush across her cheeks. You don't got to worry about me or the fans I could always take a break for being an idol plus I can perform at locals clubs in Japan if that worry's you to much said Hana who still held Gyeong hands.
Gyeong slowly nodded her head and remove her hands from Hana.

That the spirt says Hana excitedly come on we don't have all day let get packing Hana says clapping her hands cheerfully.Gyeong with a small smirk forming on her lips shakes her head  and looking up at the ceiling  of their apartment. she looked down and smiled at the young girl childish demeanor.

                      |somewhere in Japan|
:Cobra POV
I stand their looking at myself in the mirror with a light in the very back of the room slowly swinging to the eerie sound of the quietness in the room. I slowly reach out from the mask that I was wearing and pull it down from my face.

I gently take it off no longer on my face and just stare at my reflection.

     |3rd Person POV|
The scene just shows Cobra standing their looking at the mirror with an emotionless look on  his face and from behind him are a gang of members just laying their not moving a muscle sprawled out on the floor possibly unconscious.

          |Cobra POV|
We just wanted... to protect this town  I said with little to no emotion than  end up punching the mirror with my fist.

S.W.O.R.D  Theme songs plays cues in music*

                   |3rd Person POV|
Long ago, the legendary team 'MUGEN' had controlled this land...

                   |3rd Person POV|Long ago, the legendary team 'MUGEN' had controlled this land

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