Suspicion [3]

144 4 42

I added a new ship ( ͡°ᴥ ͡° ʋ) and this is the best chapter so far.


(Socks POV)

 woke up to a small tap on my shoulder

Socks: huh. . .

Blaza: hey Socks

Socks: hey Blaza, are we going home.?

Blaza: no we can't

Socks: aww

Blaza: we are going to the carnival 

Socks: wake me up we you are done

Blaza: but I wanted you to come with

Socks: as long as get cotton candy

Blaza: that's fine!

Socks: ok let's go

I stumbled a bit trying to get up and Blaza laughed at me. How dare he.

Socks: why you laughing at me!?!?

Blaza: Your so cute you know!

Socks: what. . .?

Blaza: what?

I felt my face turn red and stemmy. Blaza looked like he just ran five miles. Blaza then grabbed my hand and ran out the door. Memey and TBH ran after us like there life depends on it, and Wictoria just stared at us with a child. . .? Honestly we probably looked drunk even though we can't legally drink. We ran almost all over town until we got to the carnival. We saw Wictoria there starring at us like we owe her money.

Wictoria: took y'all long enough 


Wictoria: y'all are slow

Memey: how did you get here so quickly?

Wictoria: it's called a car

Memey: your mean!

Wictoria: can say the same for you

Blaza: can we just go to the carnival 

Memey: fine!

Wictoria: who said you were the leader?

Memey: ME!

Blaza: please don't start fighting I don't want to clean up blood

Memey: fine!

TBH grabbed Memey's arm and draged him into the carnival 

Memey: OW what the heck 

Blaza: let's go Socks

Socks: first cotton candy

Blaza: no or you will get sick and might throw up

Socks: I hate it when you're right 

Blaza: I know

We walked into the carnival (and draged Memey in). We got our tickets and got to making rules. We also only play games and do rides later. We decided that it would be best to go in groups TBH, Wictoria and nadwe in one group and Blaza, Socks and Memey. It was the best way to sort out every one so no fighting would break out, well the least amount of fighting. We also wanted to meet up at the front at 8:45 pm(the time was 8:18).

Blaza: why do we have Memey in our group?

Socks: because he will start to fight with Wictoria and like you said earlier I don't want to clean up blood 

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