Izzy is Dead

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Izzy is dead. ( so sad(;'д`)ゞ)

I know I said that last chapter but I felt like I should say it again



*Cough* *cough*

"Ahem, This is your narrator slash author speaking"

Anyways on with the story!

Izzy was in fact dead to her family

And I don't mean it in an 'Izzy was an odd child so they adopted another child named scarlet who always made Izzy look bad so her parents started to resent her and eventually alienated her to the fact that she was dead to them' kind of way

(Wow where'd that come from? Villainess story idea tho?🤔)


Izzy was deemed possibly dead or kidnapped for ransom by the police after she suddenly disappeared 2 weeks ago

The question is who would want to kidnap Izzy?

I mean her family's rich tho-

Anyway, Her parents refused to believe she was dead

For one thing, Izzy is too smart and too crazy to let herself be killed

To be kidnapped tho is very likely

Actually, the number of times Izzy has been kidnapped is more than you can count on one hand

For example;

Izzy was kidnapped once when she was 8. It was for ransom and she was gagged, her hands and feet were tied and she was blindfolded.

Don't ask how but not even one hour to the location, Izzy had managed to ungag and untie herself


Long story short Guy turned himself in to escape from Izzy

(hmm, wonder why🤔)

ANYWAYS, Her parents were sure she wasn't dead because of another reason;

Her dad's side of the family has this connection that has rundown through generations; They feel a special connection in their soul for each living family member. Thus if a member of their family died they would feel the connection break off completely and her father felt the connection very much there so though he was a bit worried, he was still sure that Izzy was ok.

And as for her Mother she just has... Crazy motherly instincts

Like that one time Izzy got kidnapped by that pleb, she felt it as she was driving home from work

So first she went home to make sure it wasn't a false alarm but then she realised Izy was gone she screamed like this for about 2 minutes:

So first she went home to make sure it wasn't a false alarm but then she realised Izy was gone she screamed like this for about 2 minutes:

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