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Joshua is like a butterfly

So beautiful

Yet so fragile

If you try to touch him, he'll fly away

Yet, theres a very small chance

A very small chance that he won't fly away

Instead, he could climb on your finger

But the risk it too high

Nobody will ever dare to touch

Just like jeonghan

He doesn't wanna risk loosing his butterfly in the sky

just to be caught by someone else

So, he's slowly getting closer

Closer to catching that butterfly.


Yet another day has passed of him slowly falling more and more for Joshua. His dreams taunted him with Joshua's touch, but he wakes up to all of it being fake. Just a hallucination his brain created. His dreams kill him, kissing Joshua, holding shua tight, falling asleep in the comfort of Joshua's body heat just to wake up in a lonely, old bed.

Jeonghan opened his eyes slowly, yet again expecting to see Joshua by his side. All he saw was an empty space in his arms.

He rolled on his back, thinking of the dream he just had. Him and Josh fell asleep watching a movie, cuddled in each other's arms. It was so sweet, everything felt so real. Han thought about his other dreams he's had this week. He has one every night, he feels guilty when he sees Joshua now, embarrassed that he would even think about doing something like that to his best friend.

But he's in love, so deeply in love with his best friend. It hurts to look at joshua, it feels like pins going into his heart, Ripping it apart with no mercy. Whenever he sees Joshua with anyone else, giving them any form of attention, he has to force himself to look away.

Han didn't realize when he started crying, he only realizing it when felt his breath becoming insanely heavy. He didn't bother to wipe the tears from his eyes, letting them dry and cake to his cheeks. It felt good to cry, jeonghan hasn't cried in so long, it felt nice. It was nice until he realized why he was crying. He can't contain his emotions anymore, he has to tell somebody at least. But he can't tell anyone, he's scared. He should never show negative emotions, it'll affect the whole group.

"I'll just keep it to myself. yea... If I forget about it, it'll just go away, right?"

Jeonghan felt himself crying harder and harder with each word that he said.

"I just want it to go away... It hurts to feel like this..."

Jeonghan slowly lost the ability to talk, all words he tried to say to convince himself turned into sobs. He closed his eyes, then stood up and sat on the floor, rolling himself in a ball.

"Jeonghan.. You can't do this for much longer... You have to tell shua"

Jeonghan broke down even farther at the thought. A sudden knock was at the door,

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