I'm Not Her Boyfriend, Charlie Brown!

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Morning had arrived, and Charlie Brown woke up. He got dressed and went down to make himself breakfast. Before he could make it, Snoopy got off his doghouse, picked up his doggy dish with his mouth, and walked into the Browns' house on his hind legs, demanding breakfast.

"Good grief!" Charlie Brown sighed.

While Charlie Brown prepared Snoopy's breakfast, Sally came down, all dressed, and ready to have her breakfast.

"Morning, Big Brother! Morning, Snoopy!" Sally greeted delightfully.

"Morning, Sally."

"Big Brother. I need your advice." Said Sally.

"What is it, Sally?" Charlie Brown asked his little sister.

"Can you explain love to me?" Sally asked.

"What is there to explain?"

"Say you wanna take your sweet babboo to a movie, a party, or a school dance." Sally explained.

"Okay, Sally." Smirked Charlie Brown. "If you wanna meet your sweet monkey, go to the zoo."

"Zoo? That's a wonderful suggestion, Big Brother! And why would you suggest meeting monkeys...."

Then, Sally noticed what Charlie Brown misheard her say.

"No! Not baboon! Babboo! It's my way of addressing my boyfriend Linus."

"He says he's not your boyfriend, Sally Brown." Charlie Brown said.

Later, Lucy was at her psychiatric booth, waiting for sales, when who should show up but Sally.

"Oh, Hi, Sally." Smiled Lucy.

"I think I need your help, Lucy." Replied Sally.

"Is it to do with your big brother's habit of not succeeding in anything?" asked Lucy, knowing Charlie Brown's failures.

"No, Lucy. It's to do with me. How do I get my sweet babboo to like me?" "That's easy." Smirked Lucy. "Just go to the zoo and take him out of his enclosure."

"Did you send Linus to the zoo?" Sally asked.

"No, though sometimes when he carries his stupid blanket around, or goes to the pumpkin patch to wait for the so-called Great Pumpkin, I wish I could put him in a zoo, with only the monkeys for company." Lucy answered, understanding Linus' childish habits.

"No, Lucy! Not baboon! Babboo!" Sally said angrily.

"Oh, is that what you always call my little brother? But he says he's not your sweet babboo."

"Well what does he know?" said Sally.

Sally's response quickly satisfied Lucy.

"Finally! Something we can both agree on regarding Linus!"

"Okay. Thanks for the help, Lucy." Said Sally.

Sally was just about to leave when Lucy shook her tin.

"Sally! Aren't you forgetting something?" Lucy asked.

"Oh yeah! Silly me!" Sally giggled as she tossed 5 cents into the tin and went away.

"Oh, I can't wait to tell Linus that I want him to take me to the zoo!" Sally said gleefully.

So Sally made her way to the Van Pelt residence. Linus looked out the window, and hid under his blanket.

"Oh no!" groaned Linus as Sally came to his place.

"Yoo-hoo, Linus! Sweet Babboo!" called Sally.

Sally knocked on the Van Pelts' front door, and Linus answered it.

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