Chapter 3: The Incident

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    Particularly I don't go out much. Except today was a Sunday. Sunday's are my down time to do whatever I want. Every Sunday I have the day off, but today I still decided to go in for a couple of hours because I heard Big Time Rush was in town, so maybe I'd bump into one of the guys in the café. It is such a slow day today. My co-worker Becca loves Big Time Rush, she is so excited for the concert tomorrow. We have been entering contests for a chance to win meet and greet passes. No luck yet. Becca swears she served a customer yesterday that looked exactly like Spencer Sutherland, if it was him I wasn't paying attention but if it was him what a shame because I took his order and didn't even notice because it was a busy day. Thankfully It is such a slow day today and I'm already three hours into my shift, one more hour to go. I have to meet my idols. I feel like I manifested them coming here to my city. 

"Alright well no luck in meeting the guys Becca. Hopefully you get to see them, I should head on to my car because it is raining harder and harder, and I don't want to get caught in traffic. Bye Becca see you tomorrow!"

"Bye Eliza, I'll see you tomorrow!" Becca continues working on her latte art she's gotten better, but I won't tell her that because she won't continue practicing after that.

     I'm like two blocks away from my car, I'll be fine. Except no one can drive in this weather, because we hardly get rain. Everyone drives so recklessly, I'll just have to be careful. Alright no cars coming I'm good to go.  As I am crossing the street a car barely misses me, because someone pulled me back. They saved me. The man had a strong grip, he grasped my arm and pulled me back from the pavement. Saving me from the car that took the red light. I wasn't paying attention and took a step onto the road, I was on my phone and drinking coffee. I'm trembling. The man walked closer, but I was stiff with fear. 

"Miss are you okay? What an asshole, he blew the red light while the roads are slippery. That could've been a horrible accident if I didn't pull you back. You gave me quite a scare. Let me help you up" The man had a deep voice, it's all I could focus on what if it was one of the guys. James perhaps? I can't even see.  He extends his arm out so I can reach his hand to help myself up. 

"Oh my god, that could've been horrible. Thank you so much for pulling me back. I'm just a little shaken up. What's your name sir?" 


"Well Spencer Thank you for saving me from what could have been an accident. I have to go now goodbye."

"Wait Miss, I didn't get your name!"


     I got a glimpse of his eyes. He was also in shock, but I was in a rush to go fix my car light and get home before the rain gets worse. As I'm finally walking to my car, I spot a large tour bus. Something told me to come the long way. I try not to look but as I'm walking past a blonde woman comes out and right in front of me, is that Alexa? No I know her, Oh god it's James's girlfriend, in front of me is a man standing with a small dog. I know those two. That is James Maslow and their dog, that was his girlfriend who came out of the bus omg. I am in absolute shock, I don't even know if it's James but it looks like him. "James?...Hi!" I approach him and he is dressed in his pajamas. He seems a bit stressed that I caught him with his pajamas on, but he greets me with a smile and a wave.

"Hi, so nice to meet you. What's your name?"he says in a surprised tone

I am too stunned to speak. I am in shock. I've replayed this moment in my mind and it is finally happening. I've literally had dreams about this. Is he even real. 

"Hi James! My name is Elizabeth. Could I get a picture with you and an autograph?"

"Yeah of course!"

"Thank you so much James! I appreciate this so much."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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