chapter 3 • people constantly tell me i'm not good enough for you

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vance had egged her on to just jump.

after a couple short minutes of refusal, she gave in and landed right beside mia.

"my fucking shoes." cherry complained, dusting off her platforms and looking back up.

"they were so cute. you can just wash them after." mia shrugged.

the crowd was already seated, waiting for the baseball game to start.

the trio made their up the stands.

"where do you guys wanna sit?" mia questioned, searching for empty seats.

"as close as possible, so i can see the details of finney's face." cherry replied, with a grin.

"gross." vance scoffed.

robin was seated in the center of the bleachers.

gwen sat on his left side, but a couple seats on his right were completely unoccupied.

they were both bored out of their mind.

"do you guys wanna get some snacks?" mia offered, after deciding where they'd sit.

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐔𝐌, finney blakeWhere stories live. Discover now