Happy Anniversary

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"Lan Zhan?" A quiet voice whispered into the silence.

"Lan Zhaaan." A nagging edge, a little louder, showing annoyance at being ignored.

"Lan Er-Gege." Teasing now, the inquisitor was not giving up.

"HanGuang-Juuuuunnnn." Wheedling.

"Lan Zhan!" Demanding at last, the call remained unanswered.

Try as he might, Wei WuXian was not getting Lan WangJi's attention, and darn it, he wanted it right now! The mischief maker in chief was currently drowsing in their bed, while his husband was absent in his usual morning meditation.

Well, this isn't a usual morning! pouted Wei WuXian to himself. Of all days, he picked today to be deaf? One ruby lip stuck out above his chin, even as he irritably pushed his hair from his sleepy eyes. He knows it's our anniversary. I even told him so a few times last week!

He pulled himself out of bed, carrying the bedclothes with him, as he crossed the Jingshi to where his husband sat in the lotus position, deep in meditation. Lan WangJi was a habitual riser and 5:00 AM saw him awake daily. He meditated while Wei WuXian slept, and then the men would have breakfast together before getting on with the day. Today is special, thought Wei WuXian. I don't want to waste any of it just waiting... I even checked and our apple tree is in full bloom, I planned a picnic lunch with that nice innkeeper – he even promised me some more of his mother's chili sauce! Wei WuXian adored Lan WangJi but struggled with the simple food the Lan Clan served. The innkeeper's mother made a particularly piquant chili sauce that he quite liked and he was looking forward to enjoying it again. Well, and a few other things I planned on, he continued, a smirk on his lips in response to his thoughts.

Dragging the bedclothes more snugly around his shoulders, Wei WuXian curled up beside his husband, leaning into his side and looking up at the impassive face of his soulmate. Lan WangJi sat perfectly still, as if made of the Jade for which he was named, cool and smooth and unmoving. Wei WuXian blew in his face – no response.

Seriously? thought Wei WuXian. I'll up the ante, then, and he nuzzled up to plant a kiss behind one perfect ear. Still no response. You have got to be kidding! That effort never failed, and Wei WuXian was a little peeved now. How on earth could he get his husband's attention? It was almost breakfast time, anyway. Shouldn't Lan WangJi be about ready to rejoin the land of the living?

Wei WuXian looked about the room. He wasn't certain what he was looking for – something to do or something to do to Lan WangJi.

He settled on kissing the other ear. No dice. Well, isn't this just ridiculous!

Here he'd gone to the trouble to make plans to spend a nice day alone together, away from Cloud Recesses, just his husband and himself in the party, and the man was simply not co-operating!

Wei WuXian knew how important Lan WangJi's routine was to him. It gave him stability and helped him manage the stresses of life. But it was taking so very long, and Wei WuXian wanted some alone time with Lan WangJi. It had been weeks since they'd taken the time to leave the grounds of Cloud Recesses and Wei WuXian was almost literally itchy to be out the Gate and away. Just for a day, of course, but he really wanted that day. And today was so perfect for it. It was their anniversary, the Spring weather was gorgeous, the lovely apple tree that hosted their wedding was wearing its blossoming best and there was even a delicious picnic on tap so they need not dine at an inn where other people might disturb them. Or more likely, we might disturb them! he thought, with a wicked little smile and a light in his eye that might have either disturbed or enthralled his husband, had he been looking.

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