The Suitor

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Princess Silver Sablinova is next in line to the throne of Symkaria, her father Ernst Sablinova, the current King is well connected and has arranged for his daughter to meet potential suitors.

She has already met several men who wished to claim her hand, she has rejected all of them for one reason or another. She is adventurous and stoic, an often risk taker and combatant, she will not settle for someone who is, in her view, less then her expectations.

Her high standards to whom she wishes her suitor would be has irritated her father to no bounds.

"Daughter you must chose your suitor and soon." Ernst urged his daughter.

"Why must I have to choose a suitor who is incapable and unable to keep up with me?" Sable hits back.

"You have too high a standards daughter. You are asking for too much for your potential suitor to have that no man could possibly compare." Ernst rebuked her.

Silver sat in silence as her fathers words ran through her brain. She couldn't understand why she must indulge in these customary pairings. How was she going to be with someone who she did not fully wish to be with.

"There is a suitor coming in the morning. He has traveled far to meet with you, so you shall meet him and hold your tongue about what it is you are looking for in a suitor. Understand?" Ernst demanded.

"Yes father." Was all she said before excusing herself from the room.

Silver wandered the halls of their castle, an irritation swelling inside her as she once again has to deal with the hassle of meeting anyone who was meant to take her hand.

Staring out the window and looking up at the night sky and all the bright stars that shown so vividly.

'Mother please. Give me strength. If there be a suitor out there for me, let him show himself to me soon.' She hoped.

Despite her combative behaviour Silver did want to marry, she did not agree with some arranged marriage and a suitor to be chosen to take her hand.

Retiring to her room Silver went to sleep with slight dread with the events that were to come in the morning.

'My child, you will one day find someone who makes your heart flutter. Every moment you are with them you'll have this feeling in your chest, like butterflies in your stomach and you might feel your breathe hitch with a lump in your throat.' Said Anastasia Sablinova to her young daughter.

'Momma... when will I find them?' Said the younger Sablinova to her mother.

'I don't know my sweet girl. But you'll know who it is when the day comes. I felt that way when I met your father for the first time, and like me you'll be the happiest with them.' Anastasia tells her daughter.

Silver looked at her mother with awe as she thought of the day when she'll meet someone who she would love and be happy with for the rest of her life.

Silver was awoken by the morning rays that cut through the large curtains that hung in her room. Memories of talking to her mother years ago when she was a little girl played through her dreams.

'Mother. I am still waiting to meet the man who I would spend the rest of my life with. None of whom I've met thus far have not made me feel the way you described.' She thought as her mothers description of the feelings of love racked through her head.

'Is father right? Are my expectations too high, should I lower my standards in the hopes of finding my one true love?' She questioned.

A knock on the door brought Silver out of her mind. "Your highness, your father has requested your presence immediately. Please make your way the grand hall as soon as you can." Came the voice of one of the servants in the castle.

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