Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

18 years later:
Cassandra Valerian Chevalier 
Name definition in order of name. (The one who shines and excels over men, symbolizes physical and mental strength, knight)

Soft, warm and cozy, was what Cassandra felt as she layed cozy in her big fluffy comforter waiting for her alarm to ring from the extra five minutes of sleep she wanted. She lay there half asleep, half awake as she listened to the morning birds chirp from outside her open window. Letting in a pleasant cool breeze sway her curtains back and forth.

"Cassandra! Hurry up, you're going to be late!" Cassandra's mom Claire called up to her from the bottom of the stairs.

Her eyes shot open as she sat up in the middle of her bed. Reaching under her pillow she grabbed her phone and looked at the time to see it had been half an hour past her "extra five minutes".

"Damn alarm didn't go off, shit." She mumbled to herself under her breath.

With a start she jumped out of bed and rushed to get her clothes on for the day. Stumbling as she does, almost tipping over onto the floor as she fought to put her foot in the leg of her pants.

She threw on her shirt and dashed to the bathroom to check her hair. As she looked in the mirror, a crazy head of brown and green hair looked back at her. With an exasperated groan she roughly brushed the shoulder length locks of hair and throws it into a messy bun. Some of the strands fall out and frame her heart shaped face perfectly.

Satisfied with the way she looked she took a second to admire the new color she had added to the underside of her hair. A few weeks ago she wanted something different with her hair and gave herself a peekaboo color so if her hair was down you couldn't see the color. But now that it was up in a messy bun it was just a mixture of her natural brown and the green.

Skipping down the steps, she makes her way hurriedly into the kitchen where he mother already had a piece of toast for her on a paper towel waiting expectantly for her arrival. Grabbing the toast she took a big bite as she scurried to the front door to grab her shoes. Hopping on one foot and chewing her toast she yelled a muffled "Thanks Mom, goodbye love you." And went to head out the door once her shoes were completely on.

Just as her feet hit the grass of their yard her mother came out onto the porch.

"Cassandra, I hope you have a wonderful last day of school and happy birthday my sweet flower. Oh and please come home right after school I have a surprise for you." As her mother spoke she came down off of the porch and hugged the birthday girl. Getting the air squeezed out of her it was hard to tell her mother to take it easy.

"Okay okay mom. Thank you. Can I have my lungs back.... please." Cassandra wheezed out.

Once her mom took a step back she made a over exaggerated breath of air, earning a small smack to the arm with her mother's kitchen hand towel she had.

"Alright alright, now get going your going to be late." Her mother Claire said as she shooed her daughter to her car. As Cassandra got in she rolled the window down to let the stuffy air out. "Oh and Cassandra. Please stay out of trouble, it's the last day of school."

"You know I never do anything on purpose. It just happens. But I'll try really hard today okay mom? I love you." She started her car and pulled out of their gravel driveway and headed off to her last day of highschool.

Once her crappy 2008 Chevy Impala made it's way into the school parking lot. She threw the car in park and grabbed her bookbag from the passenger seat. There was really no need for it but she still had some stuff to take home so might as well bring it with her. As she climbed out of her beat up car she shut the door and looked over the dingy silver color.

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