Him and I against the world.

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  I scrolled down his Facebook page, Looking at all his last comments and saving all the pictures I liked, Yeah , yeah I know I look like a stalker but I can't help my self he is like a drug to me.

My name is Sophia, Sophia McKenzie to be exact. I am actually really average, Well with my blond hair, green eyes, pale face and red nose. Yeah I said red nose, all my face is pale except for my nose, it always seems to be red unless i use makeup.

 I am 1.67 and I can say I'm quite skinny. A lot of people say I'm beautiful or hot what ever you feel like calling it but I don't really think of it that way, mom says its because we know our face so well that we can see all the imperfections.

Well enough about me now lets get on with the real subject at hand. Him.

 You may be wondering who is him after all stalking him was how I started this story. His name is  James, James Williams, Even his name melts my insides.

James Williams also known as the boy I have been crushing on for two years, four months and 29 minutes. Just joking I don't know how many minutes, I'm not THAT much of a stalker. He has Light brown curly hair, amazing brown eyes and  perfect pink lips and damn his body , He is tall strong and .... yeah perfect lets just say he is my own Edward Cullen <3

But sadly James darling is also known as my brothers best friend and our neighbor, cliche right?? Yeah ,Yeah ,Yeah I know.

Now let me tell you a little bit more about my brother, Sebastian McKenzie. One of the most popular guys in school, Tall ,strong and yeah this is getting awkward, after all he is my brother and for me to consider the possibilities of him being sexy is not right at all. But my friends say he is hot so.. Anyhow my brother and I used to be best friends when we where little he was the one that taught me how to jump the rope, I was the one that taught him to how ride a swing etc, Lets say I loved my brother, that is until he started going to the gym , buying designer clothes and hanging out with the most popular but also snobby kids at school. After he made his popular friends lets just say that having a sister was not cool enough for him anymore.

The one thing about my brother though is that he can be protective as hell so he wont let me get close to his friends *cough *cough ( James ), and gets mad if they talk to me or the other way around.

I know what you are thinking, if my brother is in the way how the hell am I supposed to get James to fall for me??

So i'v decided I needed to start playing diry. If my brother wants me to stay away from james well he can go to hell. Because I have a mission

And I'm sure as hell not going to fail,

Getting James to fall for me.

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