Day one

15 1 1

 -----------------------) PICTURE OF SOPHIA.


I hurried to my room making sure not to trip on the stairs. Once in my room I locked the door and headed straight to my closet.

 You may be wondering what the hell is going on right now,

I was silly enough to go out in the rain and play hide and seek with my best friend Nicky, of course I got a strong cold and because of that I had to stay home today. Remember when I  said my nose was red? Well that is nothing compared to how it is now, I'm sure even Rudolf would make fun of me.

Well back to the point, I found out that James was coming home today with my brother. Its the first day of my plan and I can't start the plan looking like well.. yeah no word could describe how I look right now.

Rushing through my clothes and throwing piles and piles of clothes on the floor I finally found a decent outfit, some skinny jeans and a white flowery top.

Quickly putting on my makeup and fixing my hair , I practiced my perfect smile and then rushed downstairs.

I could have melted when I saw him. Soon enough  I began to think dirty thoughts about him, only to be called back by my mother.

"Sophia, Hun take a seat we have my famous meatballs today" My mom is like a version of me and my brother, but older. I have a cool mom, shes one of the people that let you do what you want and is carefree and fun to be around with. Unless if you get her mad, if you get her mad you're done with.

"Kay mom, thanks" I smiled at her and then turned back to James. I took the time to admire what he was wearing, a tight black v neck and some skinny jeans. Oh god, please have mercy on me.

"hey " He smirked obviously knowing I had just been checking him out five seconds ago.

"Hi " I said trying to hide the blush from my cheeks.

Was it just me or had everything become a lot hotter right now. I stared at his honey colour eyes only to be distracted by my brother kicking me beneath the table.

"Ow!" I screamed and jumped up.

"What the hell is your problem" I yelled at him hoping that I could burn him with my eyes.

"Obviously you, you idiot, now can you please stop looking at my best friend like he is man candy?"

I felt my cheeks warm up and I look down nervously, hoping that I would just disappear. Yeah well first day of my plan.. Not going too well.

"Sebastian , Sophia stop it , sit down and finish your lunch ."

I sat down, and finished my lunch rapidly. All I had wanted to do was to be with James, now I just wanted to leave.

Never wanting to escape a room this badly before I jumped up and began speed walking to my room.

But come on! I'm Sophia of course something would go wrong like me slipping and falling down .

"Shit!" I hissed in pain while tryng to push the tears back.

this hurts like a mayor shit bag.

I was to busy on focusing on the pain that I didn't notice when James came.

"Sophia?" Instantly forgetting about my ankle I looked up to see him looking at me with a mixture of anxiousness and fear. Wait fear?? What the fucking hell.

Being afraid that I would say something very inappropriate about how sexy he looked in that v neck shirt. I gave him a weak smile and tried to get up.

Rushing to help me he grabbed hold of my arm and tried to push me up.

"Really Sophia couldn't take you're hands of him for a second? Slut" I really did not think I was meant to hear the last part of Sebastian's speech, but I did and well .. lets just say I snapped.

"Look asshole if you haven't noticed I fell down and he was only just trying to help me, and me the slut?? You're the one who's fucked every girl in school." I glared at him. He was such an ass can't believed I loved him once.

Just when he was about to answer back James cut in.

"Okay look everybody just stop it, Sebastian ill be up in a second I'm going to go help your sister get some ice on her ankle."

They had a staring contest for like what seemed ages until finally Sebastian backed off and went to his room.

Well maybe I had made a fool out of my self today, but look on the bright side ill get to be alone with James.

I quickly put an arm around James as he helped me go to the kitchen mostly caring all my weight.

"Sit down here let me get some ice for your ankle." He quickly smiled at me before turning his back to me and opening the fridge. Getting some ice and putting it in a plastic bag he turned to me and placed it on my ankle.

I decided that if I wanted to thank him now was the time.

"Look James, thank you for.. Well know .....f...for what you just did with my brother and all.. and thanks for thee ice. All the things that my brother said don't listen to him I mean I really don't like you.. w..well you see I do like you, but you know as a friend.. I ..its not like iv had a crush on you for ages, and you know yeah I don't, I like you as a friend."

Oh god kill me now I was stuttering.

James pushed his eyebrow up and stared at me somewhat amused. Wait what amused?? He is finding this amusing?? All my thoughts vanished as he leaned in, our noses almost tuching.

"So you like me as a friend?"

I felt my cheeks warm up.

"Yeah as a friend.. w .. well that's only if you want to be my friend.. if you don't that's okay .. I mean we don't have to be friends if you don't want to be my friend..."

James cut me of by leaning in and crashing his lips to mine. Our lips moved symmetrically. And even though this will sound very cheese I swear I heard the fireworks go off. It was like he was made for me. I pout my hands around his neck and pushed him tighter against me. James put one hand at the bottom of my neck and the other around my waste. this kiss was fiery and needy, I couldn't help but feel as if I wanted more.

Moving his head away from mine he smirked.

"Still think of me as a friend? " He said before turning around and walking out of the kitchen leaving me with a very confused face.

I didn't move for about five minutes after he left. when all of the sudden, it hit me hard, like a wall of bricks. Holly crap James just kissed me.


 Hey guys L here :D soo whatcha think?? well tell me if you like it and also i would appreciate good criticism so i can make it better :) 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2013 ⏰

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