Chapter 1

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Dramatic Love

Chapter 1| Shattered

If at first glance someone were to describe Emilia Harri's personality with a single word, without a shred of doubt the word would definitely be 'Arrogant'.

Since Emilia's life has always been easy its no wonder she turned out the way she did.

All her life Emilia has lived a carefree life that demanded nothing from her. It was has if she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

Most people labour for what they have, however she was effortlessly given everything she wanted and all she had to do was ask her father.

Moreover Emilia hasn't only been favoured financially, the goddess of luck also decided to bless her with an appearance of a model.

It's actually no surprise that most of guy's are head over heels for her.

Seeing as Emilia was the heir to her families immense fortune most people treated her like a princess in hopes of benefiting from her.

This unfortunately caused her to begin seeing herself in the same light. Adopting an arrogant personality in the process.

"Emilia you're so lucky you have more money than you know what to do with."

"Yeah you have everything many of us wouldn't get in our wildest imaginations." Two girls praised Emilia, yet she still remained indifferent to all their flattery.

"Then both of you have really poor imaginations. Now leave me alone you're clouding my space." Emilia replied to the two girls sitting next to her. Doing nothing to hold back her rudeness.

The girls quickly took their leave having bitter expressions displayed on their faces.

However Emilia didn't feel a shred of guilt for her use of words.

It was more than obvious they were pretending.

If being rich has taught her anything, it's not to let people use her for their own selfish interests. Especially by pretending to be one of her friends.

Without anymore interruptions she continued to the read the thrilling book in her hands. The book was a mystery novel were the protagonist had to figure out the true killer amongst her own family member's.

Emilia was filled with anticipation to whom the killer might be. Until.

"Emilia." She heard someone call out her name.

"What now?!" her conscience complained.

In a reluctant manner Emilia shifted her attention to the origin of the voice. Looking up she noticed a tall handsome guy with brown eye's staring at her.

"Am I interrupting something." He smiled at her.

The moment she saw him a bright smile appeared on Emilia's face and she immediately embraced her boyfriend in a warm hug.

"No you're not interrupting anything. I missed you so much." She confessed resting her head on his chest.

Although Emilia exhibits a cynical attitude towards most people she also lets herself be vulnerable around the people she trusts the most.

"You jerk you made me miss you too much." She said, happily giving him a smile.

"I'm sorry for taking so long."

"Don't worry about it." She assured him running her slender hand through his soft dark hair.

"What kind of hair shampoo does he use." She wondered.

"You know I prefer seeing your hair untamed." She smiled.

"Emilia I have to tell you something." He said in a seriously tone, removing her hand from his hair.

"Oh wait this is about your hairstyle right. Okay I'm sorry for messing it up."

"You just look so handsome like this it's almost irresistible, please don't be mad." She apologized giving him her an impression of puppy dog eyes.

"No it's not about my hair this is more serious." Andy replied  looking at her has if he's going to tell her that her beloved pet died.

"Oh alright what's the matter?" Emilia asked deciding to take the issue more seriously.

"Emilia I'm breaking up with you." He said after a moment of silence.

"What!" Emilia exclaimed after the words register in her head.

"Oh!...wait you're joking right?" She asked waiting for him to burst out in laughter and say April fools.

"Yes I know it's March but still it's close maybe his calendar is off." She reasoned.

"You're kidding right?"

When Andy's serious expression  didn't change Emilia was  overwhelmed by a huge pain in her chest.

"You're serious?" She asked in a sad tone and he quickly confirmed her worries with a nod.

"I don't understand. Did I do something wrong?"

"I'm sorry Emilia but I fell in love with someone else and it's not fair to lead you on when I don't have feelings for you." He explained nonchalantly.

"With who?" She asked in a low tone, clearly confused as to what changed so quickly when they were so happy together just a moment ago.

"Someone I met awhile back."

"Shut up! I can't believe you're dumping me over some girl you just met."

"This has never happened to me before. I still can't figure out why anyone in their right mind would break up with me."Emilia wondered in frustration finding it a bit difficult to accept her first break up.

Especially when she's always been the one to suggest the breakup.

"Don't you get it? The answer is obvious."

"Yes It's true that you're rich and pretty but you're also selfish, arrogant and extremely rude to other people."

"It disgusts me to see how badly you treat others and I don't want to be with someone who lacks compassion." He Explained.

"But I..." Before Emilia could formulate a reply he had already walked in the far distance.

Leaving her standing there alone in confusion.

End of chapter 1.

I wonder if I earned your vote or if I need to do a little more convincing.

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