Chapter 4

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George woke up to a bright light from the doorway. He was laying in a nicely made king sized bed that had a piss yellow blanket and a blue pillow.

 "Where am I" he said half awake. 

"You're home" A voice softly came from the door. 

"Karl!" George jumped up. An old man came through the door 

"No, It's me Mr.Beast," he was wearing a maid dress and speaking in an offensive British accent "you might know me from your 'very good friend' Karl." 

"Karl! You must know where he is!" The maid just turned and got George's breakfast. The food mostly consisted of eggs Benedict waffles and hash browns. "Wow! This is delicious '' 

''Well don't thank me! Thank your fiancée Clay!"

 "Fiancee!" George turned down towards his hands, a shining diamond ring was on his right hand. 

"Why would I be so lucky if I had a man like that. Whose really really rich''

''Where is he? Where is that son of a bitch!"

 "He's in the front room"

 Gogy went out of bed and rushed to the doorway but Mr.Beast stopped him. "What do you think you're doing? I need that money for that Elon Musk video!"

 George pushed him out of the way and ran to the front room where Dream was reading a newspaper 

"Clay how dare you!" 

"Oh good you're awake. I can tell H-bomb that his Maid is not getting any of my money." George stared at him seriously


 "don't call me that."

 "George I know what you're thinking, but with this ring Karl gets set free from his prison" 

" OH come on you don't have any Karl at your grasp or at mine anyway" 

George walked outside the front door and saw an endless sea in front of him. 

"Oh Baby, You can't believe what Crypto can do." 

"You're disgusting" George snarled 

"But wasn't that what you always loved about me." 

George tried to slap him but by the lick of contact Dream stopped his hand. He held it by his face. 

"Don't you remember the late night in the streets making out next to the Starbucks not caring for the world. We would run together through the Burger King drive through and order two big whoppers. We would get a cat a cake with our names on it. Get arrested and have fun for once in our lives." 

 Clay pulled George back inside. "I really missed you" George sigh

 "you too, but Karl..." 

" He's gone" 


"They took him, They took him away to where only they could be with him. No one has seen him since Sunday."

 George took a look at his eyes and pushed him away. "Why would I believe you ugly son of a bitch."

 "Because it's true! Why would Lie about my best friend." "Because you want me!" George yelled. 

George stormed off  to his room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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