Part 1.

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(This is going to a little short)

"HEY" I yell falling over as he grab me
One of the bartenders at the bar had came from behind the bar and walked over to me grabbing me by the shoulders. He was saying something but I am to drunk to understand what he's saying.

He leeds me past all the people, drinks and waiters to the exit, I moan and groan all the way untill we get out side and there is a cab parked out side.

The guy holding me up is asking me something but all I heard was 'What...address' All I can do is shrug as I squirm under the bartenders grip

"I'll *burp....w-walk" I say as I weakly slap the bartender's hand

"Do you know where your going? Is there someone we can call to bring you home?" He asked

I laugh a little and start shimmering out of his grip and almost fall over again the bartender catches me and helps me with my footing

"That could have ended badly" I laugh

He just looks at me as I walk away, stumbling a little but walking away into the dark streets into the direction of my manor

I walk around in my eleagent long sleave black laced dress not so sure where I was going I was now walking passed people, closed bars and shops, and ally ways after a while I walking into one of the ally's I was a little more sober through out my walk the cold air hitting against my bare legs my boots silently patting against the concrete I tried not to touch anything on the way through.

My stomach starts hurting half way through the bricked walls start looking like they where closing in on me my eyes get heavy and I fight to keep them open but they get the best of me cause seconds latter I passed out.

Coffin Sizes (Undertakerx reader)Where stories live. Discover now