Part 2.

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I slowly open my eyes move my (h/c) hair out of my face and notice that I'm not in the ally and more in fact I could not see anything just the suficating smell of dust and wood I try siting up but my head hits a pise of wood and I realize I'm in a cofinn

I panic and try to lift the top off and to no surprise it doesn't budge, I could barely more my arms and legs

I try again and again grunting as I try kicking and pushing the top off trying everything I can untill I hear the sound off a bell ringing which startles me.

"Well hello my lord" I hear a man's voice call out followed by a small giggle

"You know why where here, do you know anything about.." I hear a boy say he could

I cut him off and start kicking and hitting the top of the coffin trying to get there attention yelling for help he quickly stops talking and I can hear the man from before laughing while the boy tells someone to open the coffin

"What's in the coffin" the boy ask in a aggravated tone

Just then the top of the coffin slid open revealing a guy with black hair and red eyes looking down at me he was in a black suit and white gloves

After he slid the top off he look at me confused but still reached out for my hand and I took it with out hesitation

"Th-thank you" i said in a little voice

I looked over to the man thats was laughing as he stopped laughing

He had long white hair and wore a long black robe with a black hat his hair covered his eyes and a unique looking scar even tho his eyes where hidden behind his hair I could tell he was quite handsome

I look around the room and see a little boy with blue hair with an eye patch over his right eye standing around the entrance

"Im Ciel of the Fantomhive manor, now tell me your name" Ciel said in a calm manner

"Im (y/n) (l/n) of the (l/n) manor"

"Excuse me miss (l/n) but what where you doing in there" the tall guy with red eyes asked me

Just then the guy with long white hair stud in front of me examining me closely a little bit to close which makes me take a step back as he looks at me and smiles widely

"My lord, I found her passed out where one guys trying to drag her some here and I simply helped him pick out a lovely coffin" The white haired man said

"What!?" I yelled

"You did good undertaker....but why is she in a coffin?" Ciel asked as if he already know the answer

The undertaker started to giggle and walked closer to ciel getting close enough to touch him

"She looked so lovely" He said

Ciel just made a face of worry and confusion as he turned to me and asked if I was alright I felt fine and looked all and all good but I really needed a bath and a change of clothes

"I really must be on my way, my butler and servants may be terribly worried about me and if i don't get back soon ill never hear the end of it" I explain

I step around the little boy and his butler passing by the undertaker and holding the door handle in my hand about to turn it but I stop

"Thanks for getting me out of there and I don't really want to know about what happened but please don't tell any one about this" I say to them all

After that I turned the doorknob and quickly walked out of the shop onto the quite little street surrounded by tall buildings

Coffin Sizes (Undertakerx reader)Where stories live. Discover now