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You were utterly shocked at the moment but not exactly against it. The way his lips felt against yours felt like your whole life was leading up to this moment. His soft lips intertwined against yours, each kiss more gentle than before as he pulled away. 

"You continue to surprise me Kirk." You replied with a shy smile. 

He scratched his neck awkwardly. "Did you like it?" He mumbled. 

It sounds dumb as fuck but that was just about one of the funniest things you've ever heard in your life. Bursting out from laughter, you made eye contact with a confused Kirk, still whipping tears from that rhetorical question. 

"Fuck you're comedic. Of course I did why wouldn't I silly?" You said, still laughing a little.

"You seriously confuse me Y/N" He said, laughing at the sight of your bright red face. 

"And you surprise me. I thought you were this mellow shy boy but I suppose I see you different with that move of yours." You smirked, giving the brown-haired boy a mischievous smirk.

He shrugged lightly, giving you a large smile. "Anyways what are you waiting for? play her already!" You shooed him to the guitar. 

"Okay, okay do you have any song requests?" He asked.

"I'm not too sure. Play anything by Misfits if you know any" You said while taking a seat on your comfortable bed. 

"I actually do! I'll play Teenagers from Mars" He smiled at you shortly before plugging in the amp against the wall, putting his fingers on the starting scales. 

"Oh hell yeah I love that song" 

He started playing the notes easily without any effort, his fingers sliding up and down the fret board as if it was nothing. He really had some talent and anyone could see that. 

Kirk had some really deep connection and passion for the guitar and It was so obvious. He finished the last riff, doing a really neat sounding arpeggio for the ending. 

"Goddamn Kirk you have some real talent! It seems like Viola was waiting for you to play her. It's too bad we didn't meet any sooner." You smiled brightly, clapping your hands. 

"Thank you, thank you! Viola was an honor to play" He sarcastically bowed and winked up at you. 

"I wonder what else those fingers could do" You smirked at the brown eyed boy. 

He flashed his crooked teeth "Well you'll find that out soon enough." He said while doing the exact same action as you did while joining you on the bed.

"Damn Hammett don't go taking my job now." You sarcastically said, shaking your head. 

"Don't worry love I won't" He whispered slightly, his eyes gazing down your sparkling lips from your lipgloss. His breath warmly brushed the hem of your neck, finding yourself longing for something more. He was teasing you and he knew exactly what he was doing too, maybe he was just playing along with the innocent look. 

"Now now let's not get us carried away shall we babe? We still have a movie to watch" You leaned in closer, his lips centimeters away from yours. He leaned in even closer, looking into your brown eyes with a hungry gaze before his lips met yours once again, his large hands lowering down onto your waist gently while rubbing your back. Laughing into his mouth, you pulled away. 

"Would you like to watch Friday the 13th?" You asked, taking a lock from his curly hair and twirled it. 

His eyes lit up a bit from excitement to which it was quickly replaced with a look of disappointment but he still nodded in agreement. You got up, making your way to your vast collection of VHS tapes sifting through the sorted arrangement finally finding the red and black tape. Inserting it into the bottom of the box shaped tv, You also grabbed the bottle of vodka and headed back to the boy. 

He scooted over closer to you, getting comfortable and warm under the blanket. Wrapping his arms around you, You were immediately met with his entrancing scent. He was like a drug and you found yourself getting addicted. 

"Hey you okay?" He worriedly asked, breaking you from your trance like daydream. 

"Huh oh yeah I am why?" You replied in a confused tone. 

"I asked you if you wanted to drink" He giggled down at you, his eyes meeting yours. 

His laugh gave me butterflies. "Sure sorry I sort of spaced out what cologne do you use?" You asked in a serious tone. 

He laughed more, giving you an 'are you serious look' before answering. "I use gucci.... why?" 

"Oh nothing. Just keep using it, It drives girls crazy trust me" You said, earning a smile from him. 

"Well Thanks gorgeous." He replied. 

The both of you turned your attention to the movie. After a while and a whole bottle of vodka, you found yourself falling asleep in his warm embrace. The both of you slept like babies, enjoying each others company. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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