Chapter 6 - New friends

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GK - Goal Keeper (Final defence against the other teams GS and GA)
GD - Goal Defence (same as GK except they have more freedom to move on the court to intercept the ball from the other team)
C - Centre (Able to move around the whole court essentially the main player)
GA - Goal Attack (Helps to set up plays for the GS with more freedom to move around)
GS - Goal Shooter (Only allowed in the attacking third of the court with the main goal of scoring goals)
WD - Wing Defence (Can play in centre and defending thirds however can't play in goal circle)
WA - Wing Attack (can play in the centre and attacking third of the court however not allowed in scoring circle)

(If you need more info on the rules and stuff for Netball then feel free to look them up however I mainly only put that bit of info there so you know what i mean when I put things (GD) and stuff)

For PE the teacher got the students outside playing Netball instructing the class to get into groups of seven with an even mixture of girls and boys obviously there'd be one extra boy or girl per group but the idea was for it to be mixed. You and Savannah stuck together grouping up with one other girl and 4 boys. They were as follows; Kuroo, Kenma, Yuji, Haruto and the other girl was someone called Becka, one of the fake bitches who clearly only wanted to join your team for one of two reason. 1 she liked one of the boys in the group or 2 she wanted to find out more about you to try and become friends with you depending if she wanted to or saw a use for you, perhaps she even joined for both reasons.

The teacher then instructed the class to decide positions for each team member for example who would be Wing Defence (WD), Goal Defence (GD) etc. 

As a team you started discussing who should be where, you decided not to say much as Sav is the only person you currently know plus you don't know everyone's skills and such yet so let the rest of the team decide. After a while it seemed the team had reached a decision on who would do what. Kuroo would be GK cause of his height, Sav would be GA while you were GS, then Yuji would be C, Becka on GD having practically begged for that spot after Kuroo was decided for GK which left Haruto and Kenma as the WA and WD.

Once all teams had decided positions the teacher paired teams up with another team to start playing some matches. You could note how your team was both bad and good as you seemed to be scoring a lot with the efforts of you and Sav however so was the other team not because they had good Goal Shooters but because of your teams defence where Becka seemed constantly distracted watching Kuroo while Kuroo himself also seemed slightly distracted for some reason. This was because he was watching you not that you noticed that fact, Becka however seemed to notice he was watching you and silently glared at you. Earlier your guess must have been correct, the guy she wanted was Kuroo.

After an hour of playing against each other team the PE lesson came to an end and you all went to get changed back into normal uniform. You couldn't help but be glad to finally get out of the PE kit that was just too small for you without even taken note of the drama that had been starting to unfold behind the scenes. Sav however did notice and whilst you were both getting changed she brought it up to you. "Did you notice Kuroo watching you?" "Huh no?" You responded questioningly having not noticed it. "Mate he was totally watching you I think he likes you ya know" "Haha I doubt that, he was probably just watching me because I'm new or something...the PE kit didn't help but I'm sure he wouldn't see me that way" You disregarded Sav's guess at him liking you practically certain that wasn't the case. Savannah shrugged her shoulders before adding "Well Becka doesn't see it that way, she was proper glaring at you, she's had a thing for Kuroo for like a year and a bit" You couldn't help but sigh "I really don't need that kind of drama on my first day" you whined, after all it is still your first day and there's already someone who potentially wants to start drama with you.

After getting changed from PE you and Sav headed of to your next lesson, Science, fortunately Becka wasn't in the same class as you for this however Kuroo was and you ended up being assigned the seat next to him, you shrugged and took your seat silently and before Kuroo could say anything to you the teacher started the lesson. Today the class was focusing on chemistry and you had a practical session where you got out the Bunsen burners along with a few chemicals none of which were even dangerous. Because you were sat next to Kuroo you were automatically put together as partners for this practical. Thinking Kuroo was the popular type who wouldn't care for his studies and mess about you sighed just hoping to get through this lesson peacefully as you set the equipment up. After you thought you were done setting up you got ready to start the experiment when Kuroo spoke up "Your not planning on leaving me out are you? This is a 2 person experiment" "Sorry, I don't want you messing up the experiment and getting me in trouble" Suddenly you heard a slight bit of laughter coming from Kuroo as you turned to look at him displeased "What?!" you snapped at him. Kuroo stopped laughing "Sorry, it's just your assuming I'm gonna fuck up the experiment when you hardly even know me, ever heard the phrase, Don't judge a book by it's cover" You frowned believing he was just tryna get you to cave and let him help as if your that naïve to just let him help and destroy the experiment. "So you still won't let me?" "Nope" "Fine but you need to turn the thing on the Bunsen burner so that the flame gets hotter, you also need to put this here and this here plus you also need this" To your surprise Kuroo just started moving bits and grabbing a couple bits you missed despite your refusal to let him help you were even more surprised by the simple fact he was helping and not fucking it up.

And so science seemed to pass without a hitch and you learned that the person named Kuroo wasn't as bad as you thought he would've been, heck you may even be able to be friends but then again maybe not especially after Sav told you about how Becka liked him and with Becka already with her sights after you for absolutely no reason you didn't wanna cause anymore drama than there already seemed to be brewing. Besides you and Kuroo only sat next to eachother in science you were simply acquaintances now, nothing more, nothing less. And so you went of to Lunch.

At the cafeteria you found a table with Sav where you both sat down and quietly chatted with one another where Sav asked you questions about whether Kuroo said anything and what not until several more people suddenly joined you at the table none of whom you knew however Sav did as she excitedly greeted them and gave a few of them hugs while you watched. As though suddenly remembering you didn't know these people Sav turned round and started introducing everyone to you. It was a lot of names to remember all of a sudden but at least they all seemed nice and felt that you would probably get along with them all which made you happy having made more friends that you would start getting to know one by one.

After everyone introduced themselves one of the girls took a seat beside you smiling turning to you and asked you something completely random but not unwelcomed. "Hey Y/N right, wanna see some pictures of hedgehogs?" You had no reason to refuse and so the girl pulled out there phone and started showing you pictures of hedgehogs for like the next 10 minutes.

Well that's it for Chapter 6 as we get into the start of more drama along with some new friends. Stay tuned for Chapter 7 <3

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