CH 1: A Storm is Coming

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[Hey everyone! I hope you guys will like this new fanfic I'm writing! I recently read a fanfic that was kinda like this and it inspired me to write one myself. Hehe, of course I'll try to update as much as I can, but like my other stories, I'm sorry if it takes me time to update. I'm always so busy>< Anyway, I hope you guys will like this story and will give it lots of love! Comment how you think this story will be and what you would like to see happen as well! Maybe I'll use your idea in a future chapter^^ thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy this kinda boring first chapter!]

Eunhyuk was walking along the beach early in the morning. The beaches were some his favorite spots in the world. He loved how the sand felt in between his toes, how the wind flew back his chestnut brown hair, and the smell of the fresh ocean breeze relaxing his mind.

"The city is so quiet this morning..." Eunhyuk thought to himself as he continued to stroll down the beachside with his hands in his pockets.

Soon he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.


"Hey Eunhyuk!" Kyuhyun said from the other line.

"Hey Kyuhyun. Why are you up so early? You never wake up before noon."

"Hahaha your so funny." Kyuhyun said sarcastically. "Sungmin's doing military practice training in the other room and my excuse for not doing it with him is I'm talking on the phone."

"Haha. Why is Sungmin doing his exercises so early?"

"I have no idea. He's fucking insane."

Eunhyuk laughed.

"Well since your both up, you guys wanna head out to breakfast?"

"Sure, but I have no idea how I'll ever get Sargent Stupid over there to stop his workout."

"Haha, just meet me at Pete's Diner in five minutes. I'll get us a booth and everything."

"Alright, see you there."

"Bye." Eunhyuk said hanging up the phone and putting it back in his pocket.

"Good thing Pete's Diner isn't that far from here." Eunhyuk said looking up at the pink, orange, and purple early morning sky. "Today is such a beautiful day."


Eunhyuk was sitting in a booth at Pete's Diner siping a hot cup of coffee when he saw Kyuhyun and Sungmin walk in. He stood up and waved to his friends.

"Morning Eunhyuk." Sungmin said taking a seat on the other side of the booth.

"Morning Sungmin. So I heard you were doing some pretty serious exercises this morning."

"Yeah, it was really intense. I just wish Kyuhyun here would do it with me." Sungmin said nudging Kyuhyun who was too busy looking at the menu.

"No way. Exercise and my body don't go well together." Kyuhyun said causing his friends to laugh.

"Why are you up so early Eunhyuk?" Sungmin asked as he picked up his menu.

"I take walks on the beach early every morning."

"Really? Why?" Sungmin asked.

"It's when the city is most calm. It's nice to get out when the city is still quiet you know?" Eunhyuk said earning nods in agreement from his friends.

Soon as the three friends had ordered their food and were enjoying a happy breakfast, off in the distance Eunhyuk noticed the TV that was playing on the other side of the room was talking about the weather.

"...and citizens should expect a huge rain storm to roll by later on tonight. Meteorologists say this could be the worst rain storm this city has seen in years, but they say it should only last a few hours through the night. The storm is predicted to start late tonight at 8pm and only to last until 3am, so citizens please try to stay in a safe environment tonight and don't go outside..."

"Did you guys hear that?" Eunhyuk asked his friends as they were too busy stuffing their faces to listen.

"What?" Sungmin asked.

"The weather report."

"No one listens to the weather Eunhyuk." Kyuhyun said.

"Well they just said there's gonna be a huge rain storm tonight."

"Really?" Sungmin said surprised. "The sky is completely clear right now."

"I know, that's why it's so weird. At least it's starting late tonight, there's somewhere I want to go later."

"Where?" Kyuhyun asked.

"No where special, just some place I want to visit."


Eunhyuk walked out of his garage with his favorite kayak in hand. Eunhyuk lived in a nice little beach house right on the coastline. He lived with his best friend Heechul who worked as a local clothing store owner. Although his fashion sense is a bit strange for Eunhyuk's tastes, Heechul still manages to get pretty good business out here. He put the kayak at the edge of the water, sat down, and pushed himself out into the beautiful sea.

Eunhyuk had only recently moved in with Heechul. Before he moved, he was always trying to find an apartment or cheap house to rent right by the seaside. Thankfully Heechul offered Eunhyuk to move in with him even though he has no job right now. Eunhyuk has been trying to become a writer for the past few months, but has been having trouble finding a publishing company that will distribute his works. With Heechul planning on moving out closer to the city and selling the house to Eunhyuk, he really needed to find a job soon that will help him afford the house.

Eunhyuk wasn't going to give up with house. It was everything he wanted. A calm area filled with nothing but sweet old ladies on a very unpopular beach. Almost no tourists came to this beach because it's so far away from the city, almost a whole one hour trip. The beautiful sights weren't the only reason Eunhyuk loved this beach the most. If he kayaked far enough down the water along the cliff sides, he would find his secret seaside cavern.

As far as he knew, no one else knew of this little cavern, and Eunhyuk never told anyone about it. He doesn't want more people coming here and ruining his only place away from everyone else. Eunhyuk paddled his way to the beach of his secret cavern and pulled his kayak onto the beach. He laid down on the sand with his hands behind his head, staring out at the beautiful sky above him through the open ceiling of the cavern.

"I wish I could just live here for the rest of my life..." Eunhyuk mumbled to himself as he closed his eyes to enjoy the silence of the cavern.

Then Eunhyuk heard a splash come from the water. He quickly sat up and looked to see if there was someone there, but there was nothing but the beautiful blue and clear water washing up along the shore.

"What the hell was that?" Eunhyuk asked himself as he stood up and walked towards the water.

He took a few glances around but still saw nothing.

"Maybe it was a fish or something." Eunhyuk said taking out his phone to check the time. "Uhg, I guess I should get back now." Eunhyuk said getting into his kayak and pushing it and himself back out into the water.

[To Be Continued...]

[What did you guys think about this first chapter? I know it's not very interesting and not a lot happened, but I'm planning on writing more so don't worry. I hope you guys will like this story! Thank you and comment your opinions!]

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