The Cream In Your Coffee

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A/N: HIIII, this is my first time writing any type of fan fic, and it's all in good fun. This is supposed to be just a silly little story for all the horny brains who love Kylo Ren. Please enjoy my stupidity! If you see any typos or grammatical errors. That's between you and yourself. This story is intended for Mature Audiences so please be advised!

TW: excessive use of the word Daddy
unknowingly eating cum?????

"Hi, thank you for choosing Starbucks today. My name's Poe, what can I get started for you?" he says with a toothy grin. I've been coming to this particular Starbucks for well over a year and haven't seen him before. I'm completely bored of his presence already.
    "Hello there." I reply with a sickeningly sweet tone. Taking a deep breath, I rattle off my usual order.
    "I'd like an iced salted caramel cream cold brew. Venti please." I say while trying to look around my usual barista. He's as tall as a mountain and you couldn't miss him with that scar running across his face, and smattering of beauty marks. As my eyes are scouring the store, in hopes of manifesting his body right before my eyes, Poe speaks up again.
    "Miss?... I said that'll be $6.45."
    And before I can even open my mouth to let him know I'm using apple pay. The backstock door opens with a bang and out appears him, Kylo Ren. His massive frame is barely able to make it through the doorway without having to slightly turn and duck through. I notice his green apron is the same as it always is, except with the addition of a few stains that sprinkle throughout the bottom half. He's making his way to the register with three giant steps and a coffee in tow that looks absolutely delicious.
    "Here ya' go honey," he says as the words drip out of his mouth almost like honey itself. "I saw you walk in and knew you probably needed a little something special." he adds with a wink.
    "Oh, Kylo. You're too sweet to me." I respond back while leaning over the counter, grabbing the cup delicately, in hopes he takes the bait and stares directly at my chest. Which of course he does. It's been like this for months, this little song and dance we both play at. A wink here, a lingering touch there, and my favorite, sexual inuenido after sexual inenido.
    "You know honey, if you want something sweet in you, I got something that's a lot bigger than that coffee you're holding up."
    I bring the coffee up to my lips, and before it even touches my tongue I know it will be sinful. Doing my best to maintain eye contact with Kylo for the entire duration of my long drawn out sip, he shifts his attention to my lips. Releasing an exaggerated moan I let him know my appreciation for the beverage.
    "And while I have no doubt in my mind just how sweet you are, unfortunately you're making me late for work again." Just as I'm about to make my exit and leave so he can stare at my ass, a voice rings out and I remember we're not alone.
    "Sorry but, you haven't paid for that coffee, it's $6.45."
    Trying not to let my annoyance get the best of me, I divert my attention to the man who really shouldn't have been taking my order to begin with. Swiftly bringing up my phone to tap on the reader, I try to wrap up the conversation with Poe so I can get back to the real reason I even make the extra fifteen minute drive to this location.
    "How forgetful of me! My brain doesn't quite work until I've had my first cup." I say while raising up my coffee to emphasize the point. "Thanks for the service Poe."
    Returning my attention to the giant on the right, "Again, Kylo, thank you for the coffee. No one seems to make it quite like you do."
Taking another sip, letting the cool and creamy beverage slide down my throat, I lick my lips, turn on my heels and I'm out the door before he can even come up with a clever retort. The fresh air that greets my face is a welcomed feeling. Considering my skin feels like it's on fire whenever I'm around him. But this is all it is, stolen moments and nothing more. He's a barista, a man that clearly has no drive or ambition and is definitely a decade older than myself. At my age I can't be wasting my time with a man like that. Everyone at the firm tells me, "for your age you're incredibly well off", or "think of what you'll accomplish by the time you're 35!" And truthfully, I can't think about it for a second longer. The only thing I can think about are those hands, that I want desperately to dig into my skin. His nose, that seems to go on for miles in a delectable way and makes me clench my thighs. Or even, the way his eyebrows furrow when I've said something that piqued his interest. But my life isn't some romcom, I worked hard to be where I am, and no man is gonna bring me down. So I let myself fantasize about the barista all the way on my drive to the office while practically chugging my iced coffee. It's that addictive, HE'S that addictive. While finally approaching my firm's office I wonder what it would be like for one day just to give in and let him take whatever he wants.

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